Wanted: Program Director, Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences Branch


UPDATE: This position is now closed.

We’re recruiting for an accomplished scientist with interest and experience in sepsis, critical illness, and/or polytraumatic injury to join the Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences (PPS) Branch of the Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry (PPBC). The successful applicant will be responsible for scientific and administrative management of a portfolio of research, career development, and training grants. Opportunities also exist for Small Business Innovation and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) grants.

The PPS Branch of PPBC supports both basic and clinical research. This position offers stewardship of grants related to investigations directed toward improving understanding of 1) the host response to sepsis and septic shock, and/or 2) the total body response to traumatic, burn, and surgical injuries, including biochemical and physiological changes, as well as inflammatory, immunological, and hypermetabolic responses. The sepsis portfolio emphasizes the patient’s pathobiological response rather than a presumptive causative microorganism or injury. The injury portfolio covers the time immediately following injury through ultimate resolution and include aspects of related critical illness syndromes.

Other scientific areas supported in this branch include studies of the mechanisms of innate and adaptive immune responses; wound healing; clinical pharmacology; anesthesia; and basic research on receptors, channels, membrane lipids, and other components for intra- and inter-cellular communications.

Applicants should have experience and a doctoral degree in one of the sciences underlying these specific areas, including immunology, pathology, microbiology, cell biology, physiology, pharmacology, or medicine. Interest, knowledge, and experience in human subjects research and clinical studies are a plus. Candidates should also have outstanding written and oral communication skills. Responsibilities involve working collaboratively with other staff to stimulate, plan, advise, direct, and evaluate program activities for the portfolios of research awards.

This position is included in the Global Recruitment: Recruiting for all of NIH. There are two GS-12/13/14 HSA (Program Officer) vacancy announcements: one for federal employees (candidates with current or former federal employment status) and one for the public (candidates without such status). The vacancy announcements opened today and close on October 23.

In preparing an application, the webpage on applying for scientific administration jobs at NIGMS may offer other useful information. You also may find the NIGMS tip sheet [PDF] for global recruitments helpful. We encourage all interested candidates to see our job vacancies page or contact me to ask questions about this position or the recruitment process.

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