You may be interested in the following reissued funding opportunity announcements:
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp)
Purpose: Request supplemental funds to existing research grants to improve the diversity of the research workforce by supporting and recruiting high school, undergraduate, postbaccalaureate or graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from groups that are underrepresented in health-related research (racial and ethnic groups; individuals with disabilities; and individuals from socially, culturally, economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds). See our diversity supplements Web site for additional information.
Application due date: Supplement requests may be submitted throughout the year
NIGMS contact: Your program director or Marion Zatz, 301-594-3833
Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers (Admin Supp)
Purpose: Request supplemental funds to existing research grants to support individuals with high potential to re-enter an active research career after an interruption for family responsibilities or other qualifying circumstances. See our supplements for career re-entry Web site for additional information.
Application due date: Supplement requests may be submitted throughout the year
NIGMS contact: Your program director or Marion Zatz, 301-594-3833