Category: Posts for NIGMS trainees

Individual Fellowship and Career Development Programs Supported by NIGMS


As graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, you may find yourself searching for opportunities to support the current or next stage of your research training. NIGMS has a long history of fostering research training and developing a strong biomedical research workforce through a variety of programs at all education levels. Many of our research training grants are made to organizations, which in turn select the students or postdoctoral researchers who’ll receive support. This post focuses on programs individual graduate students and postdoctoral scientists can directly apply to, regardless of your institutional or organizational affiliation.  

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Fall Activities for NIGMS Trainees


Welcome to the NIGMS Feedback Loop! As a current NIGMS trainee, you’re automatically subscribed to our blog so that we can provide you with information about upcoming meetings and events, opportunities to provide your input, program news, and more. You can unsubscribe at any time to opt out of these messages.

As the school year begins, we’d like to start by sharing upcoming NIGMS-supported events you can participate in.

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