You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements:
Improvement of Animal Models and Development of Technologies for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine (SBIR)(R43/R44)
Purpose: Develop or improve animal models and/or technologies for obtaining, characterizing and testing animal and human stem cells and their derivatives for regenerative medicine
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Stefan Maas, 301-594-0943
Improvement of Animal Models and Development of Technologies for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine (STTR)(R41/R42)
Purpose: Develop or improve animal models and/or technologies for obtaining, characterizing and testing animal and human stem cells and their derivatives for regenerative medicine
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Stefan Maas, 301-594-0943
Short Courses on Innovative Methodologies in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (R25)
Purpose: Develop, implement, evaluate and disseminate short courses in innovative methods for behavioral and social sciences research
Letter of intent due date: June 3, 2013
Application due date: July 3, 2013
NIGMS contact: Stephen Marcus, 301-451-6446