The following data, generated by Dr. James Deatherage, are related to an NIGMS Feedback Loop post from January 13, 2014, on Bolstering Our Commitment to Investigator-Initiated Research.
Figure 1. Changes over time in NIGMS investments in investigator-initiated research (research grant funds not associated with targeted FOAs) (right axis) and research funded through targeted FOAs (left axis). This analysis includes NIGMS research and center grants with activity codes P01, P20,P41, P50, R00, R01,R21, R24, R25, R29, R33, R34, R37, R55, R56, U01, U09, U13, U19, U24 and U54 funded through the Biomedical Technology, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology, Cell Biology and Biophysics, Genetics and Developmental Biology and Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biology Chemistry divisions (or their predecessors). This analysis does not include other activity codes and specialized research and training funded through the Division of Training, Workforce Development, and Diversity (and its predecessors); conferences or research grants funded under special set-asides, including AREA (R15), AIDS, SBIR, ARRA (Recovery Act) and Roadmap/Common Fund; contracts; and research and training programs transferred to NIGMS from the former National Center for Research Resources. Staff coded the scientific topics of 644 FOAs ("funding opportunity announcements," PAs, PARs and RFAs) under which NIGMS grants, centers, training and other activities have been funded since 1990. Missing or incomplete FOA information was reconstructed by examining funded applications. Regular research and center grants included in this analysis were funded under 290 of the FOAs. FOAs in which the scientific topic and applicant eligibility were unrestricted were classified as "investigator-initiated," while FOAs specifying a particular field, topic or approach were classified as "targeted." Funding opportunities classified as "investigator-initiated" include the parent R01, parent P01, exploratory R21s, EUREKA, and small and large collaborative projects (Glue grants). Costs are total costs, which comprise direct and indirect costs.