As you may well expect, we’ve had a vigorous response so far from grantees inquiring about submitting requests for the Recovery Act administrative supplements funding opportunity.
We think we’ve set up a pretty good system to expeditiously process requests—once they are complete.
If you’re thinking about submitting a request, you should know:
1. A complete package on the first submission makes everyone’s life easier, and
2. We have our own NIGMS-specific requirements.
Our experience to date is that submissions need to be clearer about:
1. How the proposed activities fall within the current aims (i.e., are not a change in scope), and
2. The money stuff—other current and pending support, including Recovery Act requests; current status of funds and expenditure plans.
We also need a brief (25-word) summary of the proposed activity that indicates its public health relevance, as appropriate. HHS intends to post this text on its Recovery Act Web site. Some examples are in our guidance document.
I get many questions about whether there is a deadline for administrative supplement requests. We need your submissions by July 15, 2009 for FY2009 funding consideration. Please don’t wait until the last minute to send us your materials. Getting them in early is in everyone’s interest.