Funding Opportunity: Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study Coordination Center


NIGMS requests applications in support of a Coordination Center (RFA-GM-18-003) for our Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS) program. The MIDAS network of researchers shares models, data sets, and tools to study the spread of infectious disease and possible intervention strategies. The network consists of researchers funded by MIDAS research (R01) grants as well as other interested researchers. It is hoped that the output of the research conducted by the MIDAS network will improve our ability to predict the course of infectious disease outbreaks and model the outcomes of proposed interventions.

MIDAS modelers rely on large data sets and robust computational resources. The MIDAS Coordination Center will serve as a hub for storing these resources. More importantly, the Coordination Center will improve the usability of the MIDAS resources, host educational activities for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, and coordinate MIDAS-related meetings.

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