With several training and other grant application receipt dates right around the corner, I want to be sure you know that all competing and noncompeting applications submitted for due dates on or after May 25 must use a new biosketch format.
There are two versions of the biosketch:
- General biographical sketch: Applicants for training, career development, research education (student development) and all other awards except individual fellowships and diversity supplements must use this format (see sample with instructions).
- Fellowship biographical sketch: Applicants for individual fellowships and diversity supplements must use this format (see predoctoral and postdoctoral samples with instructions).
Both versions have a 5-page limit. Section C allows PDs/PIs to describe up to five of their most significant contributions to science. Applicants for research education (student development) programs may use this section to report contributions in the areas of STEM or science education, curriculum development and/or community outreach.
The Biosketches Frequently Asked Questions page provides more details, including information about using the Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) to generate biosketches and complying with the biosketch policy.
If you or your colleagues have additional questions regarding the biosketch format requirement, please contact your program director.
The new biosketch format is a terrible idea. It will be a burden both for grant applicants and reviewers.