Wanted: Scientific Review Officer


We’re recruiting a scientific review officer to manage the peer review of grant applications in a wide range of research, training, capacity-building and other NIGMS programmatic areas. We seek candidates with broad scientific backgrounds as well as expertise in one or more of these (or related) biomedical research fields: cell and molecular biology, genetics, developmental biology, pharmacology, physiology, biological chemistry and biophysics. We especially encourage applications from candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to mentoring, particularly of individuals from groups that are underrepresented in biomedical research, and/or have experience with capacity-building programs at institutions in states that have historically received low levels of NIH funding.

There are two vacancy announcements: one for candidates with current or former federal employment status and one for candidates without such status. Both vacancies close on June 13, 2016. Please see the NIH HSA website for position requirements and application procedures. For more information about the position, contact David Wittenberg at 301-451-1828.

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