Wanted: NIGMS Scientific Review and Program Officers


We’re recruiting accomplished scientists for positions in our Division of Extramural Activities (DEA); Division for Research Capacity Building (DRCB); Division of Genetics and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (GMCDB); and Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry (PPBC). The successful applicants will be responsible for scientific and administrative review or management of a portfolio of research and/or research training grants and career development awards.

The DEA position is for a scientific review officer in our Scientific Review Branch (SRB), which conducts the initial evaluation for scientific and technical merit of applications for funding through grants and cooperative agreements in areas of research that NIGMS supports. The selected candidate will be responsible for conducting the initial administrative and scientific merit review of grant applications for research programs and/or research training and career development grants. Candidates with experience with training mechanisms (e.g., T32s, K99/R00s) are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information, read the full vacancy announcement. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest and a CV to Greg Bissonette.

The DRCB program officer position will manage a portfolio of grants that support research and provide resources for research infrastructure enhancement and capacity building in the basic, translational, and clinical biomedical sciences. The chosen candidate will manage Institutional Development Award (IDeA) and/or Support for Research Excellence (SuRE) programs and may contribute to other programmatic activities as opportunities and needs emerge. Candidates should have a broad knowledge of biomedical research. Experience with vertebrate animals, human subjects, or clinical trials is a plus. For more information, read the full vacancy announcement. Interested candidates should send their CV and a letter of interest to Fed Bernal.

The GMCDB program officer positions are in the Genetic Mechanisms Branch (GMB) and the Developmental and Cellular Processes Branch (DCPB). GMCDB supports research grants focused on developmental biology or understanding the structure and function of cells and cellular components and the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie inheritance, gene expression, and development. Applicants should have expertise in the mechanism and regulation of genetics, including basic molecular processes and cellular biology. For more information, read the full vacancy announcement. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest and their CV, along with any questions about the positions, to Andrea Keane-Myers (GMB) and Jianhua Xu (DCPB).

The PPBC program officer position is in our Chemistry and Chemical Biology Branch, which seeks to advance basic research in chemical catalysis, chemical biology, carbohydrate chemistry, natural product discovery, synthetic methods, and synthetic biology that increases our understanding of biological processes and lays the foundation for advances in disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Candidates should have proficiency in one or more of these research areas, complementing the expertise of current team members. For more information, read the full vacancy announcement. Interested candidates are encouraged to send a letter of interest and their CV along with any questions about the position to Miles Fabian.

For all positions, candidates should have a bachelor’s or graduate/advanced degree in a medical, health sciences, or allied sciences field. Outstanding written and oral communication skills are essential, and familiarity with NIH extramural funding as an applicant, awardee, reviewer, or NIH scientific administrator is a plus.

The positions are included in the NIH global recruitment for health scientist administrators. There are two GS-12/13/14 vacancy announcements for all positions: one for federal employees (candidates with current or former federal employment status) and one for the public (candidates without such status). The announcements opened today (May 13) and will close May 22.

In preparing an application, the webpage on applying for scientific administration jobs at NIGMS may offer other useful information. You also may find the NIGMS tip sheet [PDF]  for global recruitments helpful. Direct links to these vacancy announcements and more information about these positions are available on our job vacancies webpage.

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