Wanted: NIGMS Program Directors


UPDATE: These positions are now closed. Please visit our Job Vacancies page for more information.

We’re recruiting scientists for positions in our Division for Research Capacity Building (DRCB); Division of Genetics and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (GMCDB); and Division of Training, Workforce Development, and Diversity (TWD). The successful applicants will be responsible for scientific and administrative management of a portfolio of research grants, research training and career development awards, and/or capacity building awards, and will stimulate, plan, advise, direct, and evaluate program activities related to their field of expertise.

The DRCB positions support basic, translational, and clinical research; research workforce development; research infrastructure improvement; and other capacity building activities. DRCB includes the Institutional Development Award (IDeA), Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH), Support for Research Excellence, and Science Education Partnership Award programs. The job responsibilities include managing IDeA and NARCH programs, and contributing to other programmatic activities as opportunities and needs emerge. Applicants should have a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree from an accredited college or university. Individuals with a strong background in clinical and/or translational, behavioral, epidemiological, community engagement, health disparities, and public health research are strongly encouraged to apply. All interested candidates should send a letter of interest to Krishan Arora and Michele McGuirl.

The GMCDB position supports research grants focused on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying inheritance, gene expression, and development. Applicants should have expertise in the mechanism and regulation of genetics including basic molecular processes and cellular biology, as well as a doctoral degree in one of the sciences underlying these research areas. Contact Andrea Keane-Myers with questions about this position.

The TWD positions include undergraduate and predoctoral cross-disciplinary training; predoctoral basic biomedical and medical science training; and postdoctoral, early career, and workforce development programs. Applicants should have a doctoral degree in a discipline relevant to the NIGMS mission and a clear and demonstrated commitment to research training, career development, and diversity within the biomedical research workforce. Contact Michael Sesma and Kenneth Gibbs for more information about these positions.

For all positions, outstanding written and oral communication skills are essential, and familiarity with NIH extramural funding as an applicant, reviewer, or NIH scientific administrator is a plus.

The positions are included in the NIH global recruitment for Health Scientist Administrators. There will be two GS-12/13/14 HSA (Program Officer) vacancy announcements for each position: one for federal employees (candidates with current or former federal employment status) and one for the public (candidates without such status). The announcements will open on January 18 and close on January 27.

In preparing an application, the webpage on applying for scientific administration jobs at NIGMS may offer other useful information. You may also find the NIGMS tip sheet [PDF] for global recruitments helpful. For additional information about these positions, visit our job vacancies webpage to view the announcements. If you have questions about the recruitment process, contact Clau Gonzalez.

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