You may be interested in the following announcements:
Undiagnosed Diseases Gene Function Research (R21)
Purpose: Investigate the underlying genetics, biochemistry and/or pathophysiology of newly diagnosed diseases in association with the respective gene variant(s) identified through the Undiagnosed Diseases Network
Letter of intent due date: May 23, 2014
Application due date: June 23, 2014
NIGMS contact: Donna Krasnewich, 301-594-0943
NIH Blueprint Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences (R25)
Purpose: Enhance biomedical research workforce diversity through the development of creative educational activities primarily focused on research experiences, skills development courses and mentoring activities
Letter of intent due date: April 28, 2014
Application due date: May 28, 2014
NIH contact: Michelle D. Jones-London, 301-451-7966
Request for Information: Current Clinical Questions in Post-Resuscitation Hypothermia
Purpose: Provide feedback on the clinical research questions that need to be answered surrounding post-resuscitation therapeutic hypothermia
Response due date: May 30, 2014
Send responses to: Jeremy Brown, 301-594-2755