NIH recently announced policy changes for progress reports (aka PHS 2590 and noncompeting continuation). These will take effect on October 1, and corresponding changes to the eSNAP Commons Module will follow on October 9.
The biggest change for most NIGMS grantees is the replacement of the Senior/Key Personnel Report with an All Personnel Report (Form page 7) that collects information on all personnel who participate in the project for at least one person month. The All Personnel Report also implements a new NIH requirement that all individuals with a postdoctoral role with one person month or more of measurable effort must have an eRA Commons user ID.
Other progress report changes address the use of human embryonic stem cells, revisions related to the NIH Enhancing Peer Review initiative, and data required for institutional training awards that support graduate students.
Revised instructions and forms are available at
Inquires about preparing a specific progress report should be directed to your program official and/or grants management specialist.
I suspect NIGMS didn’t have any say in this, but it’s still the case that this adds another administrative burden to our staff, not to mention our postdocs. Here at the University of California we are already staggered by furloughs and related problems–this adds yet another bit of administrivia.
The collection of this data, which is required by the NIH Reform Act of 2006, will provide NIH and the public with valuable information on how taxpayer funds are being used. We recognize that postdoctoral fellows are hugely important to fulfilling the NIH mission but at present we only have data on those supported by individual fellowships or institutional training grants. Articulating the importance of the role of postdocs and developing relevant policies has been hampered by the lack of a system for keeping track of those who are supported on research grants. This is the reason for this new reporting requirement.