Author: Jilliene Mitchell Drayton

Jilliene wrote about NIGMS diversity programs and also disseminated information about NIGMS-funded research and programs through a number of outreach activities, events and meetings.

Posts by Jilliene Mitchell Drayton

Funding Opportunities: Bridges to the Baccalaureate; Common Fund Awards; Legacy Community-Wide Scientific Resources; Research Centers in Injury and Peri-Operative Sciences


You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements (FOAs):

Bridges to Baccalaureate Program (R25)

Purpose: Promote partnerships/consortia between community colleges or other 2-year post-secondary educational institutions granting the associate degree and colleges or universities that offer the baccalaureate degree, with the goal of increasing the pool of community college students from underrepresented backgrounds who pursue research careers in the biomedical and behavioral sciences and who will be available to participate in NIH-funded research
Application due dates: October 18, 2013; September 25, 2014; September 25, 2015
NIGMS contact: Michelle R.J. Hamlet, 301-594-3900

NIH Director’s Pioneer Award Program (DP1)

Purpose: Support exceptionally creative individual scientists at any career stage who propose pioneering, and possibly transforming, approaches to major challenges that have the potential for unusually high impact on a broad area of biomedical or behavioral research
Application due dates: October 18, 2013; October 10, 2014; October 9, 2015
NIH contact: Ravi Basavappa, 301-435-7204

NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Program (DP2)

Purpose: Support exceptionally creative early stage investigators who propose bold and highly innovative new research approaches that have the potential for major impact on broad, important problems in biomedical and behavioral research
Application due dates: October 25, 2013; October, 17, 2014; October 16, 2015
NIH contact: Ravi Basavappa, 301-435-7204

Limited Pilot for NIGMS Legacy Community-Wide Scientific Resources (R24)

Purpose: Maintain existing NIGMS research resources that demonstrate a high value to a community of NIGMS-supported researchers and that are no longer eligible for support under their original initiatives
Letter of intent due date: 30 days before the application due date
Application due dates: October 15, 2013; October 15, 2014; October 15, 2015
NIGMS contact: Mary Ann Wu, 301-435-0787

Research Centers in Injury and Peri-Operative Sciences (P50)

Purpose: Improve understanding at all levels of the biological processes invoked after traumatic or burn injury, or in critically ill patients, including pertinent aspects of wound healing; and foster translational research, bringing basic scientific observations and principles into the clinical arena and using clinical observations to generate or validate mechanistic hypotheses
Letter of intent due date: 6 weeks before the standard due date
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Scott Somers, 301-594-3827

Funding Opportunities: Research and Academic Career Development Awards; International Cooperative Biodiversity Groups; Program Project Grants; Instrument Development for Biomedical Applications


You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements (FOAs):

Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) (K12)

Purpose: Develop a diverse group of highly trained biomedical and behavioral scientists through support of a traditional mentored postdoctoral research experience at a research-intensive institution combined with an opportunity to develop academic skills, including teaching, through workshops and mentored teaching assignments at a partner institution
Application due dates: October 2, 2013; September 24, 2014; September 24, 2015
NIGMS contact: Shiva P. Singh, 301-594-3900

Limited Competition: International Cooperative Biodiversity Groups (U19)

Purpose: Address the interdependence of natural products exploration for potential applications in health, with investments in research capacity that support sustainable use of these resources, the knowledge to conserve them, and equitable partnership frameworks among research organizations in the United States and low- and middle-income countries
Letter of intent due date: October 20, 2013
Application due date: November 20, 2013
NIGMS contact: Barbara Gerratana, 301-594-3827

Support of NIGMS Program Project Grants (P01)

Purpose: Conduct research that aims to solve a significant biological question within the NIGMS mission through collaborations with outstanding scientists working on different aspects of a similar problem
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contacts:
Cell Biology and Biophysics, Catherine Lewis, 301-594-0828
Genetics and Developmental Biology, Judith H. Greenberg, 301-594-0943
Pharmacology, Physiology and Biological Chemistry, Michael Rogers, 301-594-3827
Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Susan Gregurick, 301-451-6446

Instrument Development for Biomedical Applications (R21)

Purpose: Develop new or improved instrumentation with broad applicability to biomedical research
Application due date: October 10, 2013
NIGMS contact: Fred K. Friedman, 301-435-0775

Research on Interventions, Drug Docking and Screening Data Resources


You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements (FOAs):

Research to Understand and Inform Interventions that Promote the Research Careers of Students in Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences (R01)

Purpose: Test assumptions and hypotheses on the role of social and behavioral factors in interventions intended to increase interest, motivation and preparedness for careers in biomedical and behavioral research
Letter of intent due date: September 18, 2013
Application due date: October 18, 2013
NIGMS contact: Clifton A. Poodry, 301-594-3900

Drug Docking and Screening Data Resource (U01)

Purpose: Increase the amount of publicly available, high-quality data describing structures and affinities of protein-drug ligand complexes needed for the development, validation and benchmarking of drug docking and screening software
Letter of intent due date: September 9, 2013
Application due date: October 9, 2013
NIGMS contact: Peter C. Preusch, 301-594-0828

Funding Opportunities: Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence, Native American Research Centers for Health, Small Business


You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements (FOAs):

Renewal of Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) (P20)

Purpose: Establish a thematic, multidisciplinary center and enhance the ability of investigators to compete independently for NIH or other external peer-reviewed support
Application due dates: September 25, 2013; September 25, 2014; September 25, 2015
NIGMS contact: Yanping Liu, 301-451-4217

Limited Competition: Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase III — Transitional Centers (P30)

Purpose: Strengthen phase I COBRE centers through improvements in research infrastructure as well as the development and support of investigators
Application due date: August 2, 2013
NIGMS contact: J. Rafael Gorospe, 301-435-0832

Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) (S06)

Purpose: Conduct research and research training to meet the needs of American Indian/Alaska Native communities
Letter of intent due date: July 6, 2013
Application due date: August 6, 2013
NIGMS contact: Sheila A. Caldwell, 301-594-3900

Reissue PHS 2013-02 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH, CDC, FDA and ACF for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44])

Purpose: Research and develop innovative technologies with commercial applications*
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Scott Somers, 301-594-3827

Reissue PHS 2013-02 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH for Small Business Technology Transfer Grant Applications (Parent STTR [R41/R42])

Purpose: Research and develop innovative technologies with commercial applications*
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Scott Somers, 301-594-3827

*There are important changes in the reissued SBIR/STTR FOAs, including: 1) Majority venture-capital owned companies are now eligible to apply for the NIH SBIR program; 2) All small business concerns must now register with the SBA Company Registry; and 3) NIGMS will not accept applications to the new SBIR/STTR FOAs that exceed the hard cap ($225,000 total cost for Phase I applications and $1,500,000 for Phase II applications). For more information, see the NIH SBIR/STTR Web site.

Small Business Opportunities for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine, Behavioral and Social Sciences Course Development


You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements:

Improvement of Animal Models and Development of Technologies for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine (SBIR)(R43/R44)

Purpose: Develop or improve animal models and/or technologies for obtaining, characterizing and testing animal and human stem cells and their derivatives for regenerative medicine
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Stefan Maas, 301-594-0943

Improvement of Animal Models and Development of Technologies for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine (STTR)(R41/R42)

Purpose: Develop or improve animal models and/or technologies for obtaining, characterizing and testing animal and human stem cells and their derivatives  for  regenerative medicine
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Stefan Maas, 301-594-0943

Short Courses on Innovative Methodologies in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (R25)

Purpose: Develop, implement, evaluate and disseminate short courses in innovative methods for behavioral and social sciences research
Letter of intent due date: June 3, 2013
Application due date: July 3, 2013
NIGMS contact: Stephen Marcus, 301-451-6446

Scientific Workforce Diversity Awards, Collaborative Science Supplements


You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements:

MARC Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (U-STAR) National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grant (T34)

Purpose: Increase the number of well-prepared underrepresented (UR) students who, within 3 years of graduation, matriculate into competitive/research active Ph.D. or combined M.D.-Ph.D. programs in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, go on to research careers and participate in NIH-funded research
Application due dates: June 24, 2013; June 24, 2014; June 24, 2015
NIGMS contact: Shawn Gaillard, 301-594-3900

Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) (R25)

Purpose: Develop new or expand existing effective institutional developmental programs designed to academically and scientifically prepare underrepresented students for Ph.D. degrees in the biomedical and behavioral sciences
Application due date: June 20, 2013
NIGMS contact: Robin S. Broughton, 301-594-3900

Reminder: The application due date for Supplements for Collaborative Science is May 15. For details, see this related Feedback Loop post.

Undiagnosed Diseases Gene Function Research


You may be interested in this recent funding opportunity announcement from the NIH Common Fund that NIGMS will administer:

Undiagnosed Diseases Gene Function Research (R21)

Purpose: Investigate the underlying genetics, biochemistry and/or pathophysiology of newly diagnosed diseases in association with the respective gene variant(s) identified through the NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Network
Letter of intent due date: May 14, 2013
Application due date: June 14, 2013
NIGMS contact: Donna Krasnewich, 301-594-0943

Funding Opportunities: Basic Behavioral and Social Sciences Opportunity Network, Highly Innovative Tools and Technology for Analysis of Single Cells


You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements:

Limited Competition: Revision Applications for Basic Social and Behavioral Research on the Social, Cultural, Biological, and Psychological Mechanisms of Stigma (R01)

Purpose: Revise applications to incorporate basic research on behavioral and social mechanisms underlying stigma into active R01 research projects
Letter of intent due date: July 2, 2013
Application due date: August 2, 2013
NIH contacts:
Jennifer Alvidrez, NIMHD, 301-594-9567
Rebecca Ferrer, NCI, 301-594-0437
Enid Light, NIMH, 301-443-3599
Kathleen Michels, FIC, 301-435-6031

Development of Highly Innovative Tools and Technology for Analysis of Single Cells (SBIR) (R43/R44)

Purpose: Develop next-generation tools that distinguish heterogeneous states among cells and have commercial potential
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Stefan Maas, 301-594-0943

Macromolecular Interactions in Cells, Bioengineering Research Funding Opportunities


You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements:

These two announcements are based on a broader initiative for research on macromolecular interactions in cells in vivo. The initiative also includes an additional funding opportunity, Revisions for Macromolecular Interactions in Cells (R01).

  • Collaborations for Macromolecular Interactions in Cells (R01)

Purpose: Establish interdisciplinary collaborative projects to advance studies of macromolecular interactions and their relationship to function in cells, tissues and organisms

  • Research Networks for Macromolecular Interactions in Cells (U54)

Purpose: Establish interdisciplinary collaborative research networks to advance studies of macromolecular interactions and their relationship to function in cells, tissues and organisms

Letter of intent due date: April 30, 2013
Application due date: May 30, 2013
NIGMS contacts:
Alexandra Ainsztein, 301-594-0828
Daniel Janes, 301-594-0943
Vernon Anderson, 301-594-3827
Paul Brazhnik, 301-451-6446

Bioengineering Research Grants (BRG) (R01)

Purpose: Develop an innovative technology, model, technique, design or method that infuses principles and concepts from the quantitative sciences to increase our understanding of and solve problems in biological, clinical or translational science
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Pamela Marino, 301-594-3827

In addition, several new NIH Common Fund funding opportunities related to workforce development and diversity are listed at

Pain Research, Animal Stem Cell Funding Opportunities


You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements:

Mechanisms, Models, Measurement, and Management in Pain Research (R01)

Purpose: Conduct basic, clinical and translational studies on pain related to the missions of the participating NIH institutes and center
Application due dates: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Alison Cole, 301-594-3827

Improvement of Animal Models for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine (R01)

Purpose: Propose research aimed at characterizing animal stem cells as well as improving and/or creating animal models for human disease conditions (see announcement for information on NIGMS-specific interests)
Application due dates: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Susan Haynes, 301-594-0943