Wanted: TWD Division Deputy Director


We’re looking for an outstanding scientist and leader to be the deputy director of our Division of Training, Workforce Development, and Diversity (TWD).

This division supports programs that foster research training and the development of a strong and diverse biomedical and behavioral research workforce. It funds research training, career development, diversity and capacity-building activities through a variety of programs at the undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral, faculty and institutional levels.

The deputy director’s responsibilities include:

  • Advising and assisting the division director in reviewing, planning and evaluating the division’s operations and assessing its progress.
  • Providing scientific and administrative management of the division as well as scientific direction of the staff.
  • Representing the division at meetings with other NIH components, agencies, foundations and scientific organizations.
  • Recommending the funding of specific applications and resolving funding-related issues.

In addition to the deputy director’s management role, he or she also serves as a program director responsible for a portfolio of research or research training grants in one of the areas of the TWD Division.

This listing closes on July 25, 2012. See the vacancy announcement for a detailed description of the job requirements and application procedures, and please share this information with any others who might be interested.

UPDATE: This vacancy listing has been extended to July 30, 2012.

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