Funding Opportunities: Basic Behavioral and Social Sciences Opportunity Network, Highly Innovative Tools and Technology for Analysis of Single Cells


You may be interested in these recent funding opportunity announcements:

Limited Competition: Revision Applications for Basic Social and Behavioral Research on the Social, Cultural, Biological, and Psychological Mechanisms of Stigma (R01)

Purpose: Revise applications to incorporate basic research on behavioral and social mechanisms underlying stigma into active R01 research projects
Letter of intent due date: July 2, 2013
Application due date: August 2, 2013
NIH contacts:
Jennifer Alvidrez, NIMHD, 301-594-9567
Rebecca Ferrer, NCI, 301-594-0437
Enid Light, NIMH, 301-443-3599
Kathleen Michels, FIC, 301-435-6031

Development of Highly Innovative Tools and Technology for Analysis of Single Cells (SBIR) (R43/R44)

Purpose: Develop next-generation tools that distinguish heterogeneous states among cells and have commercial potential
Application due date: Standard dates apply
NIGMS contact: Stefan Maas, 301-594-0943

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