UPDATE: For consideration in FY25, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit supplement requests by April 18, 2025.
We’re accepting applications for administrative supplements through PA-20-272, Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional), and any subsequent reissuances. Requests must be within the scope of the approved grant award and must be in response to something that was unanticipated when the competing application was submitted. In addition, the award to be supplemented must be active and cannot be in a no-cost extension.
We anticipate a limited amount of funds for these supplements in fiscal year 2025 (FY25). Our priority areas for funding include:
- Replacement of broken or obsolete equipment
- Acquisition of significantly superior equipment in rare circumstances, only if the equipment wasn’t available when the competing application was submitted and it clearly provides capability that’s otherwise unavailable (note this type of supplement cannot be made in the first year of a new competing award and generally will not be made in the final year of an award)
- Consolidation of core facilities supported by Institutional Development Award (IDeA) COBRE (phases 2 and 3), INBRE, and CTR grants to enable economies of scale and other efficiencies, expand user access and service, and increase sustainability
- Enhancements of the IDeA CTR practice-based research networks (PBRNs), particularly those related to electronic health record systems, needed to better engage PBRN sites in clinical research opportunities that have become available during the course of the parent award
Other needs will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The direct costs requested must be reasonable, well justified, and no more than the yearly total direct costs of the parent award as listed in the notice of award for the current budget period, excluding any equipment costs that may have already been provided during this period. Equipment must be primarily intended for laboratory use associated with the grant award being supplemented. Beyond these conditions, NIGMS also places limits on the funding it will provide for equipment supplements based on the activity code of the parent award:
- R21, R01, U01, R35, R15, R16, DP2, R25, R34, R44: Requests should be between $25,000 and $250,000.
- RM1, R24, P20, P30, P50, U54, S06: Requests should be between $25,000 and $1 million.
For consideration in FY25, applicants are encouraged to submit supplement requests by March 31, 2025.
We strongly advise grantees to contact their program officers prior to submitting applications for administrative supplements to assure that their awards are eligible and that the application meets the requirements.
The current FOA expires January 24, 2025. Will a new FOA be reissued to coincide with the new instructions, or a NOT to extend the due date apply? Is it recommended to submit prior to that FOA expiration or wait for a NOT or new FOA to be reissued?
We fully anticipate that NIH will continue the administrative supplement program beyond the expiration date of of this NOFO.
Can multiple supplement requests be submitted on the same parent grant (or can one supplement request contain multiple equipment requests) as long as the total doesn’t exceed the DC limits as listed?
The recipient can submit an application that includes multiple requests that fit the priorities and is mindful of the limits stated.
Is there a specific NOSI for these applications?
There is no NOSI associated with these priorities. Please just submit to PA-20-272 using the guidance provided in this post.