Funding Opportunity: Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE), Phases 1 and 2


The Institutional Development Award (IDeA) program supports biomedical research and research capacity building in states and territories that historically have had low levels of NIH funding. The Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) are long-standing IDeA funding initiatives supporting thematic, multidisciplinary centers that establish and strengthen institutional biomedical research capacity via three sequential 5-year phases. Funding opportunity announcements for the first and second phases of COBRE were just reissued:

COBRE Phase 1 (P20)


Supports the development of a multidisciplinary center built around a thematic area of biomedical research, includes early-career investigators leading individual research projects, and allows the creation of research cores and resources.

First application deadline: January 28, 2020
Earliest start date: December 2020

Limited Competition: COBRE Phase 2 (P20)


Supports the strengthening of an existing COBRE Phase 1 center and can include both early-career and established investigators leading individual research projects, and continued support for research cores and resources.

First application deadline: September 30, 2019
Earliest start date: July 2020

For both programs, the applicant institution must be in an IDeA-eligible state. If you have questions about these funding opportunities, please contact Ming Lei (COBRE Phase 1) or Rashada Alexander (COBRE Phase 2).  A funding opportunity announcement for COBRE Phase 3 is scheduled to be published at the end of 2019.

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