Author: Sydella Blatch Alexander

As a physiologist and former professor at a primarily undergraduate institution, Sydella administers programs that include diversity-focused institutional training awards, research on interventions, and improving sponsored programs capacity.

Posts by Sydella Blatch Alexander

Webinar for G-RISE and IMSD Research Training Program (T32) Applicants


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

Are you preparing a grant application for the Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE) or the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) predoctoral institutional research training program? If so, please join our informational webinar to learn about the programs and application components. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask us questions:

Friday, December 3, 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET

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New Research on Interventions R01 Funding Announcement and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from the Interventions webinar are now available.

NIGMS has reissued its funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for Research on Interventions that Promote the Careers of Individuals in the Biomedical Research Enterprise (R01) (PAR-21-269). In line with a key mission area of the Institute—ensuring the vitality and continued productivity of the research enterprise—the FOA encourages studies on interventions aimed to enhance research-oriented individuals’ interest, motivation, persistence, and preparedness for careers in the biomedical research workforce. Potential intervention focus areas include, but are not limited to, networking and mentoring, institutional climate, harassment, and structural racism and discrimination.

The new FOA no longer includes research designed solely to inform interventions; applicants must also conduct and test an intervention. Proposals must test the effectiveness of an intervention using robust experimental designs, such as randomized control trial approaches, case controls, matched pair design, or other designs appropriate to perform rigorous research on effective interventions aiming to increase success in the biomedical research workforce.

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New U-RISE and MARC Funding Announcements and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video from this webinar is now available.

We’re pleased to announce the reissuance of funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) for the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) (PAR-21-146) and the Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) (PAR-21-147) T34 programs. The FOAs continue the shared goal to develop a diverse pool of undergraduates who complete their baccalaureate degree, and transition into and complete biomedical, research-focused higher degree programs (e.g., Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.).

The first application due date for these FOAs is May 26, 2021, and the earliest start date for both programs is April 2022.

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Webinar: Navigating Research Collaborations as a Teaching-Based Professor


UPDATE: The video from this webinar is now available.

NIGMS is committed to increasing biomedical research capacity, including at institutions where faculty have significant teaching responsibilities. In these settings, research collaborations across institutions can be especially beneficial. Join us as we explore this topic:

Thursday, March 25, 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET

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New G-RISE and IMSD Funding Announcements and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video from this webinar is now available.

Funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) for the Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE) (PAR-21-026) and the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) (PAR-21-025) T32 programs have been issued. The FOAs continue the shared goal to develop a diverse pool of scientists earning Ph.D. degrees who have the skills necessary to transition successfully into careers in the biomedical research workforce.

The new G-RISE and IMSD FOAs have an application receipt date of February 26, 2021. The earliest start date for both programs is February 2022.

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Change in Receipt Dates for NIGMS Research on Interventions Program


We recently published a notice (NOT-GM-20-050) announcing a single receipt date each year for our Research to Understand and Inform Interventions that Promote the Research Careers of Individuals in Biomedical Sciences (R01/R35) program.

The purpose of the program is to better understand the factors (e.g., social and behavioral) contributing to the success of individuals pursuing independent academic biomedical research careers. It supports research to enhance evidence for effective, high-impact, scalable interventions that may be focused on training programs, psychosocial factors, critical career transition points, or institutional culture. Due in part to the small number of applications received in response to this funding opportunity, the change in the program’s receipt date will allow us to increase efficiencies in the grant application review process.

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Webinar for Bridges to the Baccalaureate (T34) and Bridges to the Doctorate (T32) Program Applicants


UPDATE: The slides [PDF] from the Bridges webinar are now available.

Are you preparing a grant application for the Bridges to the Baccalaureate or Bridges to the Doctorate institutional research training program? If so, please join our informational webinar to learn about the programs and application components. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions:

Tuesday, August 25, 2:00-4:00 p.m. ET

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