Back by Popular Demand: Workshop for Transitioning Postdocs


We’re holding our second two-day workshop for postdoctoral fellows who soon will transition to their first independent positions. It will take place on the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD, March 12-13, 2012. All eligible postdocs may apply, but we especially encourage applications from members of groups that are underrepresented in the biomedical or behavioral sciences.

The workshop, organized with the assistance of FASEB, covers a broad range of topics to help postdocs navigate the transition process, including applying for a position, negotiating an offer, establishing a lab, finding mentors and collaborators, getting a grant and balancing research with other commitments. NIH Director Francis Collins will deliver the keynote address.

We received a lot of positive feedback on our 2010 workshop. Just last week, I met an attendee who told me that she had recently moved into her first independent position and that attending the workshop had helped her get the job.

If you know of postdocs who would benefit from our career development event, please encourage them to visit the registration page for details about eligibility, travel reimbursement and application materials, which are due by November 30. Note that participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

3 Replies to “Back by Popular Demand: Workshop for Transitioning Postdocs”

  1. I cannot open the registration page. I have downloaded it 3 times. Each time I open it in MS Word, it says a “COM error” occurred and closes the program.

  2. The American Society for Cell Biology and the Minorities Affairs Committee are sponsoring an NIGMS-funded junior faculty and postdoctoral fellows career development workshop in Chicago from June 15–16, 2013. Applications to attend are due May 3.

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