Webinar to Answer Your Questions About the New Research Training Tables


UPDATE: The Webinar slides and answers to frequently asked questions are available.

NIGMS Staff Participating in March 8 Webinar

Shiva Singh, Chief, Undergraduate and Predoctoral Training Branch, Division of Training, Workforce Development, and Diversity

Dick Okita, Program Director, Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry

John Laffan, Scientific Review Officer, Office of Scientific Review

Lisa Newman, Scientific Review Officer, Office of Scientific Review

If you’re preparing an institutional training grant application, you might have questions about the new research training tables required for receipt dates on or after the one coming up on May 25. We’ll field these questions during a webinar on Tuesday, March 8, from 1:00-2:30 p.m. EST. You can send questions to me or post them here before the webinar.

The revisions reduce the number of tables from 12 to 8, minimize the reporting of individual-level information and extend the tracking of trainee outcomes from 10 to 15 years. Table 8A must also be used to prepare annual progress reports. Table formats, instructions and samples are available on the NIH website.

To access the webinar, visit https://face2face.nih.gov/hope.mabry/7GZSC5SY (link no longer available) and click “OK.” If you’re away from your computer, you can access the site from a mobile device. You can also listen to a voice-only option by calling 1-888-390-0678 from anywhere in the United States or Canada and entering access code 50106.

We look forward to talking to you about the new training tables.

16 Replies to “Webinar to Answer Your Questions About the New Research Training Tables”

  1. For renewals, can you confirm that tables 5A and 5B cover trainees IN the program (not all trainees of a particular member of the training faculty)?

    Also, for persons on a K-1 award, for instance, who are mentored by a particular member of the faculty – should they be included in the count for Table 2?

    Thank you!

  2. For renewal applications can you, please, give some general examples of trainees going into tables 8A and 8C Part II? Would they be all of the current trainees from the old tables 5A and 5B, or only the ones with similar career path and education who would, also, be good candidates for a slot in the T32?
    Thank you.

  3. Are there any criteria or parameters to define “research-related careers” other than what is provided in the table instructions? Would it be appropriate to use the definitions tied to the NRSA Payback requirements?

  4. Table 6 asks for “Mean Months of Prior, Full Time Research Experience”. If a student has only been in school, can I assume they have not been engaged in full-time research? I am not sure how I will be able to tell. For example, one of the students has a number of positions under “Research Experience” on her CV, but I don’t know how to tell if they were full-time or not.

  5. The instructions for 8 a/c seem to allow non-TGE eligible students to be included. Please confirm that we can list our non TGE students.

  6. For table 5 or trainees who have “no publications.” How many years of training do you consider to be “new entrant” in order to use this reason for a predoc and postdoc.

  7. I am listening on the phone and just want you to know that I believe you are using the phrase “in the program” to mean both “appointed to the TG” and “in a TG-eligible PhD program”.

  8. Thank you for your questions. We were delighted that over 250 of you were able to join us for the webinar and realize that some of you couldn’t participate because we reached full capacity. We answered as many questions as we could during the webinar. We’ll let you know when we’ve posted our slides as well as FAQs.

  9. Hi there – you mentioned that implementation ofthe new requirement for a section addressing scientific rigor and transparency had been pushed back to 2017. Is there a notice or some official publication to this effect? Thanks.

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