We’re pleased to announce the launch of MyNRMN , a free, web-based platform designed to help biomedical researchers and students across the United States connect professionally. MyNRMN is part of the National Research Mentoring Network
, which NIGMS manages for the NIH Common Fund’s Diversity Program Consortium.
MyNRMN is designed for scientists at every career level. Faculty in more senior roles and established researchers can sign up as mentors. Early career faculty can serve as mentors or be mentees, depending on their needs. Undergraduates, graduate students and postdocs can elect to be peer mentors or sign up to be mentored. The connections you form through MyNRMN might be as simple as asking a question to scheduling formal mentoring sessions.
Some of MyNRMN’s features include:
- Browsing other registrants’ profiles to connect with people who have similar interests (as on social media sites).
- Sharing documents and sending direct messages to your connections.
- Creating a personalized calendar to schedule mentee/mentor meetings, and electing whether you would like to receive text message reminders.
- Revising and improving your resume with the CV Builder tool (for mentees).
MyNRMN’s user-directed scheduling, which allows users to determine the frequency and level of involvement with the platform, can also serve as a complementary networking tool to NRMN’s already-established Guided Virtual Mentoring program. After completing the four-month Guided Virtual Mentorship, participants have the ability to use MyNRMN to maintain long-term professional relationships.
If you are a current MyNRMN user, you can update your profile to start utilizing the new application. If you’re new to the network, just set up your profile and start inviting others to connect! Please tell your trainees and colleagues about MyNRMN so they can also begin benefitting from NRMN programming.
We’re looking forward to seeing the online mentoring network grow as more participants create profiles on MyNRMN. Follow @NRMNET on Twitter to stay up-to-date on other mentoring programs and events aimed to build engagement in biomedical research.