Virtual Office Hour for Applicants to NIGMS Basic Biomedical and Dual-Degree Clinician-Scientist Training Programs


We’re hosting a virtual question-and-answer “office hour” on Thursday, January 9, 2025, for our basic biomedical and medical scientist T32 programs:

  • NIGMS Predoctoral Basic Biomedical Sciences Research Training Program (PAR-23-228). Next application due date: January 25, 2025.
  • Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) (PAR-24-128). Next application due date: January 25, 2025.
  • Leading Equity and Diversity in the Medical Scientist Training Program (LEAD MSTP) (PAR-23-030). Next application due date: January 27, 2025.

During the meeting, we’ll provide a brief update on each funding opportunity, including how updates to NIH training grant applications will impact the next receipt date, and answer your programmatic, scientific review, and budget questions.

Office Hour Information:

Thursday, January 9, 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 160 914 1167
Passcode: NIGMS

Participants requiring sign language interpretation and/or other reasonable accommodations should submit a request using our contact form at least 5 days prior to the event. Note this is a live event that will not be recorded.

NIGMS Staff Participating in the January 9 Office Hour:

  • Kenneth Gibbs, Director, Division of Training and Workforce Development
  • Alison Gammie, Senior Advisor for Training and Workforce Development
  • Adam Heuberger, Scientific Review Officer
  • Brett Hodgkins, Grants Management Team Lead

If you have questions, please visit the basic biomedical and medical scientist training program webpages, or contact the relevant staff listed for each program.

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