Author: Dorothy Beckett

Headshot of Dorothy Beckett.

Dorothy is the director of the NIGMS Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences. She works with the scientific community to advance BBCB’s mission to support research in biophysics, biotechnology, and computational biology.

Posts by Dorothy Beckett

Funding Opportunity: Biomedical Technology Optimization and Dissemination Program


We invite investigators to apply for funding through our biomedical technology optimization and dissemination (BTOD) program (PAR-23-110). This initiative supports the creation of BTOD centers dedicated to optimizing and broadly disseminating state-of-the-art, mission-relevant, late-stage technologies to both experts and nonexperts in biomedical research.

BTOD centers are built around three tightly integrated components (refer to diagram):

  • Technology optimization projects
  • Driving biomedical projects
  • Community engagement
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NIGMS Funding Opportunities for Technology Development


We’ve reissued two notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for our Technology Development Programs:

Technology Development Research for Establishing Feasibility and Proof of Concept (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-25-202

This NOFO solicits R21 applications with innovative, high-risk concepts for developing new technologies or radically improving existing ones. It supports novel concepts that haven’t been tested for feasibility. Because inclusion of unpublished or preliminary data isn’t allowed under this NOFO, NIGMS expects the proposed projects to be high risk.  

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Wanted: Biomedical Technology Branch Chief


UPDATE: This position is now closed.

We’re seeking a highly qualified scientist to serve as Branch Chief for our Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences (BBCB). Applicants should have interest and experience in the scientific areas managed by the Biomedical Technology Branch. Position responsibilities include scientific and administrative planning, management, and evaluation; optimization of Branch procedures; and oversight of Branch program directors’ grant portfolio activities. The Branch Chief will also manage a research grant portfolio and work collaboratively with the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology and Biophysics Branch Chiefs and the BBCB Division Director.

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Wanted: Biomedical Technology Branch Chief


UPDATE: This position is now closed.

We’re seeking a highly qualified scientist to serve as Branch Chief for our Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences (BBCB). Applicants should have interest and experience in the scientific areas managed by the Biomedical Technology Branch. Position responsibilities include scientific and administrative planning, management, and evaluation; optimization of Branch procedures; and overseeing of Branch program directors’ grant portfolio activities. The Branch Chief will also manage a research grant portfolio and work collaboratively with the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology and Biophysics Branch Chiefs and the BBCB Division Director.

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Wanted: NIGMS Program Directors


UPDATE: These positions are now closed.

We’re recruiting accomplished scientists for positions in our Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences (BBCB) and Division of Genetics and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (GMCDB). The successful applicants will be responsible for scientific and administrative management of a portfolio of research grants and/or research training grants and career development awards, and will stimulate, plan, advise, direct, and evaluate program activities related to their field of expertise.

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Wanted: Biophysics Branch Chief


UPDATE: This position is now closed.

We’re seeking a highly qualified scientist to serve as a branch chief in our Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences (BBCB). Applicants should have interest and experience in the scientific areas managed by the Biophysics Branch. Position responsibilities include scientific and administrative planning, managing, and evaluating activities of the Branch; optimizing Branch procedures; and overseeing grant portfolio activities of Branch program directors. The branch chief will also manage a research grant portfolio and will work closely with the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology and Biomedical Technology branch chiefs and the BBCB division director.

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Funding Opportunity: Biomedical Technology Optimization and Dissemination Program


UPDATE: The webinar video and slides [PDF] are now available.

We’re pleased to share the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for our biomedical technology optimization and dissemination (BTOD) centers (RM1) (PAR-23-110). The goals of the BTOD centers are to optimize state-of-the-art, NIGMS mission-relevant, late-stage technologies, and to disseminate these technologies to both experts and nonexperts in biomedical research for their broad use. A BTOD center may focus on optimizing a single technology or multiple integrated technologies. Community engagement activities should result in broad dissemination of the optimized technologies for the research community’s sustainable use.

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Funding Opportunity: Instrumentation Grant Program for Resource-Limited Institutions (S10)


UPDATE: The webinar video and slides [PDF] are now available along with a program website featuring FAQs.

As part of NIH’s UNITE initiative to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in biomedical research, we’re pleased to announce the release of the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO): Instrumentation Grant Program for Resource-Limited Institutions (RLI-S10) (PAR-23-138). The RLI-S10 program aims to enhance research capacity and educational opportunities at resource-limited institutions by providing funds to purchase modern, scientific instrumentation. Applications may propose purchase of instruments that support basic, translational, clinical, or biomedically related behavioral science. The instruments may be used in formal courses for teaching purposes as well as for research projects.

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Funding Opportunity: Optimization of Data Storage and Utilization for the Sequence Read Archive


We’re pleased to announce a new notice of special interest (NOSI) (NOT-GM-23-015) addressing the urgent need for cost reduction of the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) data storage and utilization.

The SRA, hosted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), contains a broad collection of raw DNA and RNA sequencing data that continues to grow exponentially. In an effort to reduce the cost and identify efficient solutions for SRA data, NIGMS has partnered with NLM and NIH’s Office of Data Science Strategy to support research on ways to optimize SRA data compression and representation.

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NIGMS Funding Opportunities for Technology Development and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video for this webinar are now available.

We’re pleased to share that NIGMS has reissued two funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) for our technology development program. Both FOAs support the development of novel technologies with the potential for broad utility in biomedical research. They are:

Technology Development Research for Establishing Feasibility and Proof of Concept (R21)

Applications to this FOA should propose technology development at a conceptual stage, not yet supported by any proof-of-concept-data, in order to demonstrate feasibility of the proposed technology and/or establish the most likely path to successful development. When compared to current state-of-the-art technology, the proposed concept should lead to a technological breakthrough or a significant advance in current biomedical research or approaches.

First application receipt date: June 16

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