Tag: Preparing an Application

IPERT R25 Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are available.

We’re pleased to announce that the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for the Innovative Programs to Enhance Research Training (IPERT) has been reissued (PAR-24-252). IPERT supports innovative educational activities that equip participants at various career stages with the skills required for careers in the biomedical research workforce. NIGMS prioritizes programs that are open to participants nationwide.

First application due date: October 17, 2024
Earliest start date: July 2025

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New Bridges to the Doctorate Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

We’re pleased to announce that the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for the Bridges to the Doctorate (B2D) program has been reissued (PAR-24-232). This NOFO aims to promote broad participation in the biomedical research workforce by strengthening research training environments and expanding the pool of well-trained master’s students who transition into and complete biomedical Ph.D.s. NIGMS expects organizations to engage in outreach and recruitment activities to encourage individuals from underrepresented groups to participate in this program.

First application due date: September 27, 2024
Earliest start date: August 2025

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Virtual Office Hour for Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program Applicants


UPDATE: The slides [PDF] for this office hour are now available.

We’re pleased to announce a virtual “office hour” on Thursday, August 1, for the Bridges to the Baccalaureate (B2B) Research Training Program (PAR-22-125).

B2B develops a diverse pool of research-oriented undergraduates who transition from associate to baccalaureate degree-granting institutions and complete a baccalaureate STEM degree, positioning them to pursue research-oriented biomedical higher degree programs or enter careers in the biomedical research workforce.

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New U-RISE and MARC Funding Opportunities and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] for this webinar are available.

We’re pleased to announce that the notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) (PAR-24-137) and Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) (PAR-24-138) programs have been reissued. These NOFOs aim to promote broad participation in the biomedical research workforce by strengthening research training environments and expanding the pool of well-trained students who:

  • Complete their baccalaureate degree, and
  • Transition into and complete biomedical, research-focused higher degree programs (such as a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.).
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Virtual Meeting for Advancing Research Careers (ARC) Predoc to Postdoc Transition Program (F99/K00) Applicants


We’re pleased to announce a virtual “office hour” on May 1 for potential applicants to our new Advancing Research Careers (ARC) predoctoral to postdoctoral transition award (F99/K00).

The ARC program is part of the National Institutes of Health’s efforts to promote broad participation within the biomedical research workforce. It has two components: an individual predoctoral to postdoctoral career transition award (F99/K00) and an institutional research education cooperative agreement (UE5) to provide these scholars with additional mentoring, networking, and professional development activities. The office hour will focus on the F99/K00 portion.

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SuRE R16 Program Funding Announcements and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The SuRE webinar occurred on April 2. The video and presentation slides [PDF] are now available.

We’re pleased to announce that two funding opportunities for the Support for Research Excellence (SuRE) program have been reissued.

SuRE awards support investigator-initiated research projects in NIH mission areas and are open to faculty at institutions that award bachelor and/or graduate science degrees, receive limited NIH research support, and either serve a substantial number of students supported by Pell grants or are historically Black colleges and universities or Tribal colleges and universities. Faculty investigators who aren’t currently program directors/principal investigators (PD/PIs) of an active NIH research project grant are eligible to apply for a SuRE award (PAR-24-144). Faculty who haven’t had any prior independent research funding as PD/PIs are encouraged to apply for the SuRE-First award (PAR-24-145).

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New NIGMS Resource: How-To Videos on Preparing NIH Training Tables


UPDATE: We will update the how-to videos on preparing NIH Training Tables in 2025.

We’re pleased to announce the creation of informational videos on completing the NIH training tables. These videos take you through completing the NIH tables for undergraduate and graduate research training grant applications and, when applicable, research performance progress reports.

The following NIH training tables have informational videos* (accessible PDF versions are available on our website):

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NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Presubmission Webinar


UPDATE: The slides [PDF] and video from this webinar are now available.

We’re pleased to announce a presubmission webinar for the NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) program (PAR-23-137). The next application due date is June 7, 2024.

SEPA supports educational activities for pre-kindergarten to grade 12 to ensure that students and teachers from all communities and regions of the country have the opportunity to pursue studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). SEPA also supports informal STEM education activities outside the classroom. 

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Your First Application Didn’t Get Funded? Apply Again!

This post is part of a series outlining NIGMS research priorities, funding opportunities, and the grant application process. You can read more posts in this series and sign up to receive all future posts delivered straight to your inbox.

The previous post in this series covered tips for crafting a strong grant application. However, the reality is that not all applications will be funded.

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Virtual Meeting for Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) Applicants


We’re pleased to announce a virtual “office hour” on January 10 for potential applicants to our Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP).

PREP’s goal is to develop a diverse pool of well-trained postbaccalaureates who will transition into and complete rigorous biomedical, research-focused doctoral degree programs (such as Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.) in biomedical fields relevant to the NIGMS mission.

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