Tag: Research Capacity Building

Funding Opportunity: Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH)


UPDATE: Please see the updated post on this topic.

We’re pleased to share that the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for the Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) program (PAR-23-166) has been reissued. NARCH supports federally recognized American Indian/Alaska Native Tribes and Tribal colleges or universities, Tribal health programs, and Tribal organizations. The program funds health-related research, research career enhancement, and research infrastructure-enhancement activities. This NOFO is led by NIGMS with additional participating NIH institutes, centers, and offices.

A NARCH award is for up to 5 years with an annual budget of up to $1.3 million in direct costs. The first NARCH application due date is July 8, 2024.  

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IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

We’re pleased to announce that the IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) funding opportunity announcement (FOA) (PAR-23-100) has been issued. INBRE funds one statewide network of higher education and research institutions in each Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible state and Puerto Rico to build biomedical research capacity through supporting faculty research and mentoring, student participation in research, and infrastructure enhancements at network institutions.

Application due date: June 26, 2023
Earliest start date: April 2024

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Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 2 Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

I’m pleased to announce that the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 2 funding opportunity announcement (FOA) (PAR-23-063) has been reissued. The COBRE program supports the establishment and development of innovative biomedical and behavioral research centers at Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible institutions. The goal of this FOA is to strengthen successful Phase 1 centers through further research infrastructure improvements and continued development of investigators with shared scientific interests who can compete effectively for independent research funding.

Application receipt date: May 29, 2023
Earliest start date: April 2024

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COBRE Phase 1 Funding Opportunities for Data Sciences and Women’s Health Research and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve published two notices of special interest (NOSIs) requesting applications to PAR-22-250, Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 1 (P20 Clinical Trial Optional), to build research capacity in data sciences (NOT-GM-23-011) and women’s health (NOT-GM-23-012) in IDeA states.

These NOSIs highlight the Office of Data Science Strategy’s interest in supporting meritorious applications on data science relevant to biomedical research, and the Office of Research on Women’s Health’s interest in supporting a meritorious application on women’s health.

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Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 1 Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The slides [PDF] and video from this webinar are now available.

I’m pleased to announce that the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 1 funding opportunity announcement (FOA) (PAR-22-250) has been reissued. The COBRE program supports the establishment and development of innovative biomedical and behavioral research centers at Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible institutions. The goal of this FOA is to establish a center of excellence that helps develop a critical mass of investigators and improve infrastructure in an area of biomedical research.

Application receipt date: January 30, 2023
Earliest start date: December 2023

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Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 2 Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The slides [PDF] and video for this webinar are now available.

I’m pleased to announce that the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 2 funding opportunity announcement (FOA) (PAR-22-163) has been reissued. The COBRE program supports the establishment and development of innovative biomedical and behavioral research centers at Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible institutions. The goal of this FOA is to strengthen successful Phase 1 centers through further research infrastructure improvements and continued development of investigators with shared scientific interests who can compete effectively for independent research funding.

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Webinar for COBRE Program Applicants and Grantees


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

If you’re planning to apply for a Phase 1, 2, or 3 Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) grant, it’s important that you attend our upcoming webinar:

Wednesday, October 27, 3:00-4:30 p.m. ET

During the webinar, we’ll present an overview of the COBRE program’s objectives, eligibility and reporting requirements, and other key aspects of the funding opportunity announcements. We’ll also answer any questions that you have.

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Funding Opportunities: COBRE Phase 1 Applications for Women’s Health and Data Sciences Research


We’re pleased to announce that we’ve published two notices of special interest (NOSI) calling for applications to PAR-19-313, Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 1 (P20 Clinical Trial Optional), that focus on research on women’s health (NOT-GM-21-056) and data sciences (NOT-GM-21-062).

These NOSIs highlight the Office of Research on Women’s Health’s interest in supporting a meritorious application on women’s health, and the Office of Data Science Strategy’s interest in supporting a meritorious application on data science relevant to biomedical research. Applications for these NOSIs must be submitted in response to and meet all eligibility criteria of PAR-19-313.

Continue reading “Funding Opportunities: COBRE Phase 1 Applications for Women’s Health and Data Sciences Research”

Funding Opportunity: Urgent Competitive Revisions to IDeA-CTR Awards to Address the Continuing Need for Documenting COVID-19-Related Patient Outcomes


We’re pleased to announce a new notice of special interest (NOSI) (NOT-GM-21-050) to address the urgent need for documenting COVID-19-related outcomes of patients, including those suffering from health disparities, which helps foster COVID-19-related clinical research. Competitive revisions to active IDeA-CTR (U54) awards will be considered for the purpose of sustaining and strengthening the IDeA state COVID-19 patient registry, a component of the National COVID Cohort Collaborative.

Applications are due by June 18, 2021. If you have any questions about this NOSI, please contact Hongwei Gao.