This fall, NIGMS will be sponsoring the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) national conference in Anaheim, CA, September 30-October 3, and the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Charlotte, NC, November 10-13.
These meetings present two wonderful opportunities for you to meet and recruit science-oriented undergraduate students from groups that are underrepresented in the biomedical sciences. In addition to listening to research talks, you can volunteer to mentor students during the meeting or judge their posters. For those of you who are MORE program directors, you’ll also be able to support your students.
I encourage you to attend one or both of these meetings, as they bring in some of the best and brightest undergraduate students in the nation.
You can visit NIGMS staff at SACNAS exhibit booth 817 or ABRCMS exhibit booth 700.
For additional information or to register as a meeting participant, mentor and/or judge, visit the SACNAS and ABRCMS
Current news about SACNAS conference can be found at the SACNAS Facebook page:
Conference postdoc specific information can be found here:
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Anaheim this year!
Thank you NIGMS for your support!