Supplements for MIRAs: Clarifying the Policy


UPDATE: Consult the MIRA webpage or your program officer for the current notices of funding opportunities.

Since supplemental grant funding comes in a variety of flavors, with different purposes, it’s not surprising that there’s confusion about which kinds of supplements MIRA grantees may apply for and which they may not. Here’s a quick run-down.

Type of Supplement
Links to NIH Guide
Revisions (Formerly known as Competitive Supplements) PAR-17-190
For Early Stage Investigator MIRA
For Established Investigator MIRA
Revisions are not an allowed application type in the R35 FOAs except to address special research priorities, e.g., COVID-19.
Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Announcement under which administrative supplement requests must be made) PA-18-591 Unless otherwise noted NIGMS will only accept administrative supplement requests to fund equipment or to address special research priorities, e.g., Alzheimer’s research. (See below.)
Equipment supplements NOT-GM-19-013 Eligible to apply
Administrative Supplements to Address Special Research Priorities, e.g., Alzheimer’s NOT-AG-18-039 Supplement must be for work that falls outside the NIGMS mission and therefore, if successful, would not in the future be funded by NIGMS. This type of supplement generally allows MIRA grantees to explore possible applications of their research to clinical or other areas not funded by NIGMS.
Diversity supplements PA-18-906 Eligible to apply
Re-entry supplements PA-18-592 Eligible to apply

We strongly encourage you to contact your program director before applying for any supplement.

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