New NIGMS Web Resource on Safety in the Lab and Other Training Environments


The safety of trainees and other lab workers from accidents, violence, harassment, and inappropriate behavior is a high priority for NIGMS. Because the Institute has such a large training and workforce development portfolio, we feel that we should play a central role in promoting the development of a robust culture of safety in biomedical research training environments.

As part of this effort, we recently announced the availability of supplements for research education, training, and career development grants to enhance laboratory safety curricula and to build a culture of safety in biomedical research training environments (NOT-GM-20-016). To provide additional resources to enhance safety, we have now launched an NIGMS website highlighting laboratory safety training and guidelines. On this page, you’ll find links to a number of online resources including:

  • Online courses, e-tools, and web and print materials on a range of lab safety topics
  • Information on anti-harassment guidelines
  • Educational videos about lab accidents and how to prevent them
  • Modules on components of effective safety training programs

Although I know most of you are not working in lab at the moment, I encourage you to visit this page, explore the featured resources, and give some thought to how you might enhance safety in your lab or institution, and how you might incorporate these resources into your training program to help develop a strong culture of safety once we return to normal research operations.

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