UPDATE: The video for this webinar are now available.
We’re pleased to share that NIGMS has reissued two funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) for our technology development program. Both FOAs support the development of novel technologies with the potential for broad utility in biomedical research. They are:
Technology Development Research for Establishing Feasibility and Proof of Concept (R21)
Applications to this FOA should propose technology development at a conceptual stage, not yet supported by any proof-of-concept-data, in order to demonstrate feasibility of the proposed technology and/or establish the most likely path to successful development. When compared to current state-of-the-art technology, the proposed concept should lead to a technological breakthrough or a significant advance in current biomedical research or approaches.
First application receipt date: June 16
Focused Technology Research and Development (R01)
This FOA solicits R01 applications for the development of technologies with demonstrated proof-of-concept that have remaining significant technical challenges to full implementation and broad utility. As such, applications should not propose to test specific biological questions.
First application receipt date: June 5
Both FOAs target technology areas that include, but are not limited to, instrumentation, devices, processes, algorithms, software, chemical and synthetic biology, or cell engineering. Applications may not propose to test specific biological questions; however, validation with well-characterized models or gold-standard biological samples is encouraged. The research plan should be rigorous with well-defined milestones and project objectives. Applications supporting technologies that are sufficiently advanced to address specific biological questions may be submitted to the parent NIH R01 FOA or other relevant FOAs such as the NIGMS’ Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award.
For more information and FAQs about the programs, see the NIGMS technology development webpage. If you have any questions about these funding opportunities, please email NIGMS_TechDev@nigms.nih.gov.
NIGMS Technology Development Webinar
Join us to learn more about our technology development programs and to receive answers to your questions:
Monday, May 2, 4:00-5:30 p.m. ET
Zoom Meeting Link (link no longer available)
Participants requiring sign language interpretation and/or other reasonable accommodations should email us through our contact form at least 5 days prior to the event.