New NIGMS Resource: Trainee Feedback Form


We’re pleased to announce the creation of an online form for trainees to share feedback on NIGMS research education, training, and career development programs. We value this input as NIGMS refines its existing programs and develops new opportunities to meet emerging needs in biomedical research training.

The form, which can be completed anonymously, allows trainees to submit constructive comments—for example, to suggest program improvements or to recognize an outstanding program for its training and mentorship activities. NIGMS welcomes submissions from trainees across all educational and career stages.

Please note that trainees should report concerns about research misconduct or harassment to the NIH Office of Extramural Research.

We encourage NIGMS-supported trainees to share their feedback and our institutional training grant, research education, and career development program directors to share this opportunity for input.

If you have questions about this new resource, please email

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