Author: Kalynda Gonzales Stokes

headshot of Kalynda Gonzales Stokes

Kalynda manages grants in the Division of Training and Workforce Development (MOSAIC, MARC, IPERT, TURTLE, and training modules), and a portfolio in the areas of endocytosis, lysosomes, and related organelles in the Division of Genetics and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology.

Posts by Kalynda Gonzales Stokes

Funding Opportunity: Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training


UPDATE: The video from this webinar is now available.

We’ve released a new notice of special interest (NOSI) NOT-GM-24-039: Topics for Training Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training (R25). The NOSI, associated with the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) PAR-24-040, requests applications to develop biomedical research training modules on one of the following topics:

  • Improving mentorship experiences
  • Improving trainee and employee mental health and well-being
  • Addressing equity in the biomedical research enterprise
  • Promoting laboratory safety in research environments 
  • Strengthening rigor, reproducibility, and transparency of biomedical research techniques  
  • Enhancing program evaluation capacity
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New Tribal Undergraduate to Graduate Research Training and Leadership Experiences (TURTLE) Program and Upcoming Webinar


We’ve published the funding announcements for our new Tribal Undergraduate to Graduate Research Training and Leadership Experiences (TURTLE) program. TURTLE will support federally recognized American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) Tribes, Tribal Colleges or Universities, Tribal health programs, or Tribal organizations (collectively termed, eligible Tribal entities) to identify and develop a pool of scientists to conduct research on AI/AN health and health disparities.

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IPERT R25 Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are available.

We’re pleased to announce that the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for the Innovative Programs to Enhance Research Training (IPERT) has been reissued (PAR-24-252). IPERT supports innovative educational activities that equip participants at various career stages with the skills required for careers in the biomedical research workforce. NIGMS prioritizes programs that are open to participants nationwide.

First application due date: October 17, 2024
Earliest start date: July 2025

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New MOSAIC Funding Opportunities and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

We’re pleased to share that the Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) have been reissued. MOSAIC, an NIH-wide initiative that NIGMS oversees, has two components: a postdoctoral career transition award (K99/R00) and a cohort-based mentoring and career development program that supports the scholars (UE5 research education cooperative agreement).

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New U-RISE and MARC Funding Opportunities and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] for this webinar are available.

We’re pleased to announce that the notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) (PAR-24-137) and Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) (PAR-24-138) programs have been reissued. These NOFOs aim to promote broad participation in the biomedical research workforce by strengthening research training environments and expanding the pool of well-trained students who:

  • Complete their baccalaureate degree, and
  • Transition into and complete biomedical, research-focused higher degree programs (such as a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.).
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Funding Opportunity: Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training


We’re pleased to announce a new notice of special interest (NOSI) (NOT-GM-24-007): Topics for Training Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training (R25). The NOSI, associated with the reissue of notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) PAR-24-040, requests applications to develop biomedical research training modules on one of the following topics:

Continue reading “Funding Opportunity: Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training”

Webinar for NIH MOSAIC Program Applicants


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

Are you preparing a grant application for the NIH Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) K99/R00 or UE5 programs? If so, please join our webinar to learn more about the programs and application components and to ask questions:

Tuesday, September 12, 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Zoom meeting link
Join by phone
Meeting ID: 160 151 7840
Passcode: 249272

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Webinar for U-RISE and MARC Training Program (T34) Applicants


UPDATE: The webinar video and slides [PDF] are now available.

Are you preparing a grant application for the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) or the Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) T34 training programs? If so, please join our webinar to learn about the programs and application components. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask us questions:

Friday, April 14, 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Zoom meeting link
Join by phone
Meeting ID: 161 451 8141
Passcode: 562357

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Funding Opportunity: Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training


We’re pleased to announce a new notice of special interest (NOSI) (NOT-GM-23-031) associated with PAR-20-296, modules for enhancing biomedical research workforce training (R25). The NOSI requests applications to develop biomedical research training modules on one of the following topics:

  • Wellness and resiliency: effectively providing individuals with the knowledge and skills to enhance their wellness, resiliency, and ultimate success during their research training.
  • Structural racism and discrimination: addressing harassment, intimidation, and other forms of structural racism and discrimination to reduce disparities in recruitment, retention, and success and to promote access, inclusion, equity, and accessibility in the research training environment. Modules should focus on how to create optimized research training environments where all participants feel safe, respected, and supported.
  • Safe research training environments: catalyzing a strong culture of responsibility and obligation to maintain high standards for physical, chemical, and biological safety.
  • Program evaluation capacity: developing evaluation capacity by informing program directors and administrators about effective and practical approaches to evaluate biomedical research training programs at their institutions.

Continue reading “Funding Opportunity: Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training”