Funding Opportunity: Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training


UPDATE: The video from this webinar is now available.

We’ve released a new notice of special interest (NOSI) NOT-GM-24-039: Topics for Training Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training (R25). The NOSI, associated with the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) PAR-24-040, requests applications to develop biomedical research training modules on one of the following topics:

  • Improving mentorship experiences
  • Improving trainee and employee mental health and well-being
  • Addressing equity in the biomedical research enterprise
  • Promoting laboratory safety in research environments 
  • Strengthening rigor, reproducibility, and transparency of biomedical research techniques  
  • Enhancing program evaluation capacity
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New Biomedical Research Environment & Sponsored Programs Administration Development Program and Upcoming Webinar 


Notice of Virtual Question & Answer Office Hours for BRE-SPAD Program Applicants (NOT-GM-25-014)

UPDATE: The first application due date for the BRE-SPAD program has changed to February 19, 2025. For more information, see NOT-GM-25-010.

The notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for our Biomedical Research Environment & Sponsored Programs Administration Development (BRE-SPAD) program is now available (PAR-24-268). The program aims to promote broad participation in biomedical research by supporting resource-limited institutions to conduct research, enhance their research environments, and increase sponsored programs’ administration capacity.

Applications should propose activities in at least two of the following areas:

  • Developing sponsored programs’ administration 
  • Cultivating growth in the research environment 
  • Administering pilot research projects 
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Areas of Special Interest for Predoctoral Basic Biomedical Training Grants


We’ve published a notice (NOT-GM-24-056) to inform the community about areas of special interest for our Institute-specific predoctoral basic biomedical training grant program (PAR-23-228). NIGMS encourages more applications with a focus on these priority areas, which are:

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What Are the Chances of Getting More Than One NIGMS R01?


Principal investigators (PIs) occasionally tell us they don’t plan to apply for the Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) program because their institutions expect them to have multiple R01 grants and thus they need to stick with R01 funding. To address this issue, we thought it would be useful to examine the likelihood of getting more than one NIGMS R01.

Figure 1 shows the percentage of PIs who held more than one NIGMS R01 between fiscal years 2014 and 2024 (FY14 and FY24). The first MIRA grants were awarded in FY16, so FY14 and FY15 represent years prior to the beginning of the program. In FY14 and FY15, only 16% of PIs had more than one NIGMS R01. This percentage hovered around 14-15% until 2019, when it began declining. The decline was likely the result of an increasing number of PIs converting their R01s to MIRAs and an Institute policy that PIs could not have more than two NIGMS R01s. Importantly, even before the MIRA program started, only a small fraction of PIs had more than one NIGMS R01. These data are consistent with an analysis we performed previously of how many early stage investigators (ESIs) who were awarded NIGMS R01s between FY04 and FY15 obtained a second NIGMS R01.

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Webinar Series on Navigating NIGMS RPPR Essentials: A Guide to Reporting for Researchers and Administrators


UPDATE: The first webinar video and slides [PDF] are available.

Progress reports are required at least annually from our grantees to document accomplishments, scientific progress, and compliance with the terms of an award. To help navigate this reporting process, we’re hosting a series of three webinars to guide awardees through the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR). The first webinar planned is

Understanding the Basics of the NIGMS RPPR
Thursday, November 14, 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Zoom link
Join by phone
Meeting ID: 160 044 6421
Passcode: 932913

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Upcoming Changes to NIH Applications for NIGMS Fellowships

This post is part of a series outlining how NIH application and review changes will impact NIGMS training grants and fellowships.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is making a number of changes to the fellowship application and peer review process for due dates on or after January 25, 2025. For details, visit the Revisions to the NIH Fellowship Application and Review Process webpage. New funding announcements and application instructions will be released in the coming months.

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Upcoming Changes to NIH Applications for NIGMS Undergraduate Training Grants

This post is part of a series outlining how NIH application and review changes will impact NIGMS training grants and fellowships.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is making a number of updates to training grant applications for due dates on or after January 25, 2025. For details, visit the Updates to NIH Institutional Training Grant Applications webpage. New funding announcements and application instructions for undergraduate (T34) training programs will be released in the coming months. 

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Upcoming Changes to NIH Applications for NIGMS Postdoctoral Training Grants

This post is part of a series outlining how NIH application and review changes will impact NIGMS training grants and fellowships.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is making a number of changes to the training application and peer review process for due dates on or after January 25, 2025. For details, visit the Updates to NIH Institutional Training Grant Applications webpage. NIH will release a new parent T32 funding announcement and application instructions this fall for postdoctoral training programs to use. 

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Upcoming Changes to NIH Applications for NIGMS Predoctoral Training Grants

This post is the first in a series outlining how NIH application and review changes will impact NIGMS training grants and fellowships.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is making a number of changes to predoctoral training grant applications for due dates on or after January 25, 2025. For details, visit the Updates to NIH Institutional Training Grant Applications webpage.

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Mercedes Rubio to Direct Division for Research Capacity Building

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Headshot of Mercedes Rubio. Dr. Mercedes Rubio. Credit: NIGMS.

I’m pleased to announce that Mercedes Rubio has been selected as the new director of our Division for Research Capacity Building. Mercedes is a medical sociologist by training and is currently chief of the Predoctoral Basic Biomedical and Medical Scientist Training Programs Branch in our Division of Training and Workforce Development. She also manages research training, scientific conference, and research on intervention grants and has been the program director for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Diversity Program Consortium’s National Research Mentoring Network.

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