Tag: Webinars

Webinar for NIH Research Enhancement Award (R15) Programs


Are you or other principal investigators at your institution preparing a grant application for the NIH Research Enhancement Award (R15)? If so, please join our upcoming webinar, “The NIH Research Enhancement Award (R15) .  .  . What You Need to Know!” to learn about the various NIH R15 programs, which one NIGMS participates in, and application components. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions:

Thursday, June 15, 2:30-3:30 p.m. ET
Zoom registration link
Event webpage

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Funding Opportunity: Biomedical Technology Optimization and Dissemination Program


UPDATE: The webinar video and slides [PDF] are now available.

We’re pleased to share the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for our biomedical technology optimization and dissemination (BTOD) centers (RM1) (PAR-23-110). The goals of the BTOD centers are to optimize state-of-the-art, NIGMS mission-relevant, late-stage technologies, and to disseminate these technologies to both experts and nonexperts in biomedical research for their broad use. A BTOD center may focus on optimizing a single technology or multiple integrated technologies. Community engagement activities should result in broad dissemination of the optimized technologies for the research community’s sustainable use.

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Webinar for U-RISE and MARC Training Program (T34) Applicants


UPDATE: The webinar video and slides [PDF] are now available.

Are you preparing a grant application for the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) or the Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) T34 training programs? If so, please join our webinar to learn about the programs and application components. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask us questions:

Friday, April 14, 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Zoom meeting link
Join by phone
Meeting ID: 161 451 8141
Passcode: 562357

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Administrative Supplements for IDeA-CTR Grants to Advance the Use of Electronic Health Records for Research


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

We’re pleased to announce the availability of administrative supplements to Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Networks for Clinical and Translational Research (IDeA-CTR) (U54) grants to advance the use of electronic health records (EHR) for clinical and observational research (NOT-GM-23-035). Applications are due May 15.

Submissions may propose activities in one or more of the following areas:

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Administrative Supplements for IDeA Team Science Development Projects


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

We’re pleased to announce the availability of administrative supplements to Institutional Development Award (IDeA) grants for team science projects (NOT-GM-23-034). The supplements are intended for projects that bring together two or more investigators from IDeA states with different expertise to address complex basic, behavioral, clinical, and/or translational research questions through complementary approaches. The questions shouldn’t duplicate those that researchers are currently pursuing through the parent awards and should clearly benefit from the collective efforts of the collaboration.

Applications are due June 1, 2023.

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IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

We’re pleased to announce that the IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) funding opportunity announcement (FOA) (PAR-23-100) has been issued. INBRE funds one statewide network of higher education and research institutions in each Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible state and Puerto Rico to build biomedical research capacity through supporting faculty research and mentoring, student participation in research, and infrastructure enhancements at network institutions.

Application due date: June 26, 2023
Earliest start date: April 2024

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Webinar on Safe and Inclusive Research Training Environments


We’re pleased to announce the second webinar in our series on issues in biomedical research training, workforce development, and diversity. The series is a combination of lectures, panel discussions, and workshops focused on a variety of important topics for the broader training community, such as program evaluation, mentoring, safe and inclusive research environments, and curricular development.

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Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 2 Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

I’m pleased to announce that the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 2 funding opportunity announcement (FOA) (PAR-23-063) has been reissued. The COBRE program supports the establishment and development of innovative biomedical and behavioral research centers at Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible institutions. The goal of this FOA is to strengthen successful Phase 1 centers through further research infrastructure improvements and continued development of investigators with shared scientific interests who can compete effectively for independent research funding.

Application receipt date: May 29, 2023
Earliest start date: April 2024

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Webinar for Institutional Predoctoral Training Grant in Basic Biomedical Sciences and MSTP Applicants


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

We’re pleased to announce a technical assistance webinar for people interested in applying for training grants in the predoctoral basic biomedical sciences (PAR-20-213) and our Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) (PAR-21-189). The next application due date for both programs is January 25, 2023.

During the webinar, we’ll provide an overview of both programs and answer any questions you may have. You can send questions before the webinar or post them in the chat box during the event:

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New Leading Equity and Advancing Diversity MSTP Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

UPDATE: See the application due dates for the LEAD MSTP in NOT-GM-23-027.

This past February, we shared our plans to develop a program to broaden the types of institutions participating in NIH-funded dual-degree training programs. We’re pleased to announce that the Leading Equity and Advancing Diversity in the Medical Scientist Training Program (LEAD MSTP) funding opportunity announcement has been published (PAR-23-030). The LEAD MSTP aims to develop a diverse pool of highly trained clinician-scientists who meet the nation’s biomedical research needs. The program supports dual-degree training programs at institutions that haven’t historically been well represented among NIGMS-funded MSTPs. It’s limited to dual-degree training programs at 1.) historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and 2.) Tribal colleges and universities (TCUs), and 3.) institutions in Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible states. NIGMS encourages applications proposing partnerships between the applying HBCUs, TCUs, or IDeA-state institutions to further advance the goals of the program.

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