NIGMS Virtual Learning Resources for Scientists at All Career Stages

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To assist with virtual learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, we’d like to remind you of the valuable resources NIGMS supports for our trainee and educator communities. These resources apply to all levels, ranging from community college students to faculty.

  • Clearinghouse for Training Modules to Enhance Data Reproducibility
    A variety of free training modules, workshops, and online courses aimed at enhancing rigor and reproducibility in research.

  • iBiology
    A collection of high-quality, free online videos of scientists talking about their research, career paths, and related topics. Several complete courses are also available in areas including experimental design, microscopy, and image analysis. iBiology also has resources for flipped-classroom teaching.

  • National Research Mentoring Network
    A free, web-based platform designed to help undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs connect professionally through online mentoring and networking activities.

In addition to the NIGMS resources listed above, be sure to visit the NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education’s resources for trainees, the National Library of Medicine’s Training and Outreach webpage, and the classroom resources offered through the National Science Foundation’s website. If you’re a parent or teacher of pre-K through grade 12 children, NIGMS also offers virtual learning for younger students.

As you know, training is an important element of the NIGMS mission, and we remain committed to supporting and inspiring future generations of scientists. If you’ve developed virtual learning resources with NIGMS support that are available to the public, please share them in the comments below.

One Reply to “NIGMS Virtual Learning Resources for Scientists at All Career Stages”

  1. Cell Biology Educational Resources on

    The Allen Institute for Cell Science has produced large 3D image datasets, analysis tools and visualization tools that are publicly available at These data, information and tools are impacting the teaching of cell biology from high school to graduate school. Please visit to see what might be useful for you.

    Highlights include:

    Cell Division: a CourseSource virtual lab & tutorial webinar – April 14, 2020

    A virtual laboratory published in CourseSource on cell division using a publicly available image database.

    On April 14, 2020, we will host a webinar where educator Eric Sheldon will show you how to use the virtual lab described in CourseSource in your classroom. Please visit our Educational Resources page to attend.

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