Tag: Biomedical Graduate Education

New MOSAIC Funding Opportunities and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

We’re pleased to share that the Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) have been reissued. MOSAIC, an NIH-wide initiative that NIGMS oversees, has two components: a postdoctoral career transition award (K99/R00) and a cohort-based mentoring and career development program that supports the scholars (UE5 research education cooperative agreement).

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Virtual Meeting for Advancing Research Careers (ARC) Predoc to Postdoc Transition Program (F99/K00) Applicants


We’re pleased to announce a virtual “office hour” on May 1 for potential applicants to our new Advancing Research Careers (ARC) predoctoral to postdoctoral transition award (F99/K00).

The ARC program is part of the National Institutes of Health’s efforts to promote broad participation within the biomedical research workforce. It has two components: an individual predoctoral to postdoctoral career transition award (F99/K00) and an institutional research education cooperative agreement (UE5) to provide these scholars with additional mentoring, networking, and professional development activities. The office hour will focus on the F99/K00 portion.

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Webinar for Predoctoral Basic Biomedical Sciences Research Training Program (T32) Applicants


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

We’re pleased to announce a technical assistance webinar for people interested in applying for training grants in the predoctoral basic biomedical sciences (PAR-23-228). The next application due date is January 25, 2024.

During the webinar, we’ll provide a brief overview of the funding opportunity and answer your programmatic, budget, and scientific review questions. You can send questions before the webinar or post them in the chat box during the event:

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Funding Opportunity: Predoctoral Basic Biomedical Sciences Research Training Program (T32)


We’re pleased to announce our Predoctoral Basic Biomedical Sciences Research Training Program (T32) notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) has been reissued (PAR-23-228). This NOFO continues our support of eligible, domestic organizations to develop and implement effective, evidence-informed approaches to biomedical graduate training and mentoring that will keep pace with the rapid evolution of the biomedical research enterprise. We expect that the proposed research training programs will incorporate didactic, research, and career development elements to prepare trainees for careers that will have a significant impact on the health-related research needs of the nation.

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New Advancing Research Careers (ARC) Predoc to Postdoc Transition Program and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

We’re pleased to announce the new Advancing Research Careers (ARC) program as part of NIGMS’ strategic efforts to enhance support for trainees from diverse backgrounds—for example, individuals from underrepresented groups—through critical career transition points. The ARC program is designed to enhance participation of trainees as they transition from predoctoral research training to postdoctoral research and career development. The program has two components:

ARC Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Transition Award to Promote Diversity (F99/K00) PAR-23-222

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NIGMS Diversity Supplements—Expanded Program Eligibility


We’d like to make you aware that NIGMS is expanding eligibility within the diversity supplement program (PA-23-189) to include applications from principal investigators (PIs) of parent awards from the following programs:

  • Support for Research Excellence (SuRE, R16)
  • Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE Phases 1 and 2, P20)
  • Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Networks for Clinical and Translational Research (IDeA-CTR, U54)
  • IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE, P20)
  • Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH, S06)
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Webinar for NIH MOSAIC Program Applicants


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

Are you preparing a grant application for the NIH Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) K99/R00 or UE5 programs? If so, please join our webinar to learn more about the programs and application components and to ask questions:

Tuesday, September 12, 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Zoom meeting link
Join by phone
Meeting ID: 160 151 7840
Passcode: 249272

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Administrative Supplements for NIGMS Training, Research Education, and Career Development Grants to Develop Curricular, Training, and Evaluation Activities


To continue our efforts to modernize biomedical research training and career development, we invite eligible institutions with NIGMS training (T32, T34), certain research education (R25), or institutional career development (K12) awards to apply for administrative supplements to develop and implement curricular, training, or administrative activities to enhance:

  • Laboratory safety curriculum and a culture of safety in biomedical research training environments (NOT-GM-22-010)
  • Safe and inclusive biomedical research training environments (NOT-GM-22-011)
  • Undergraduate biomedical research training (NOT-GM-22-012) (T34 and R25 undergraduate programs only)
  • Program evaluation capacity (NOT-GM-22-013)
  • Mentoring in the research training environment (NOT-GM-22-014)
  • Wellness and resilience (NOT-GM-22-015)
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Webinar for Institutional Predoctoral Training Grant in Basic Biomedical Sciences and MSTP Applicants


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

We’re pleased to announce a technical assistance webinar for people interested in applying for training grants in the predoctoral basic biomedical sciences (PAR-20-213) and our Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) (PAR-21-189). The next application due date for both programs is January 25, 2023.

During the webinar, we’ll provide an overview of both programs and answer any questions you may have. You can send questions before the webinar or post them in the chat box during the event:

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New Leading Equity and Advancing Diversity MSTP Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

UPDATE: See the application due dates for the LEAD MSTP in NOT-GM-23-027.

This past February, we shared our plans to develop a program to broaden the types of institutions participating in NIH-funded dual-degree training programs. We’re pleased to announce that the Leading Equity and Advancing Diversity in the Medical Scientist Training Program (LEAD MSTP) funding opportunity announcement has been published (PAR-23-030). The LEAD MSTP aims to develop a diverse pool of highly trained clinician-scientists who meet the nation’s biomedical research needs. The program supports dual-degree training programs at institutions that haven’t historically been well represented among NIGMS-funded MSTPs. It’s limited to dual-degree training programs at 1.) historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and 2.) Tribal colleges and universities (TCUs), and 3.) institutions in Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible states. NIGMS encourages applications proposing partnerships between the applying HBCUs, TCUs, or IDeA-state institutions to further advance the goals of the program.

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