Tag: Webinars

New G-RISE and IMSD Funding Opportunities and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

We’re pleased to announce that the notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for the Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE; PAR-24-032) and Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD; PAR-24-031) programs have been reissued. These NOFOs aim to strengthen research training environments and promote broader participation in the biomedical research workforce by expanding the pool of well-trained scientists earning a Ph.D., for example, encouraging the inclusion of individuals from underrepresented groups (see Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity).

The new NOFOs have some changes from previous versions:

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Webinar for Predoctoral Basic Biomedical Sciences Research Training Program (T32) Applicants


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

We’re pleased to announce a technical assistance webinar for people interested in applying for training grants in the predoctoral basic biomedical sciences (PAR-23-228). The next application due date is January 25, 2024.

During the webinar, we’ll provide a brief overview of the funding opportunity and answer your programmatic, budget, and scientific review questions. You can send questions before the webinar or post them in the chat box during the event:

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New Advancing Research Careers (ARC) Predoc to Postdoc Transition Program and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The webinar slides [PDF] and video are now available.

We’re pleased to announce the new Advancing Research Careers (ARC) program as part of NIGMS’ strategic efforts to enhance support for trainees from diverse backgrounds—for example, individuals from underrepresented groups—through critical career transition points. The ARC program is designed to enhance participation of trainees as they transition from predoctoral research training to postdoctoral research and career development. The program has two components:

ARC Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Transition Award to Promote Diversity (F99/K00) PAR-23-222

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Webinar for Biomedical Technology Optimization and Dissemination Center Program Applicants


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] for this webinar are now available.

Are you interested in submitting a grant application for the Biomedical Technology Optimization and Dissemination Center (BTOD) program (PAR-23-110)? If so, please join our informational webinar to learn more about the program and application components and to ask questions:

Wednesday, September 27, 4:00-5:30 p.m. ET 
Zoom meeting registration link

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Clinical and Translational Research Funding Opportunities and  Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] for this webinar are now available.

I’m pleased to announce two funding opportunity notices that support clinical and translational research (CTR) in Institutional Development Award (IDeA) states: the IDeA Clinical & Translational Research Network (CTR-N) award (PAR-23-241), and the IDeA Clinical & Translational Research Development (CTR-D) award (PAR-23-257). 

These programs support clinical and translational research at IDeA-eligible institutions through programs that develop research infrastructure and human resources, equip investigators and institutions to develop competitive clinical research programs, and strengthen collaborative research that addresses health conditions prevalent in IDeA states. A reissue of PAR-20-175, the CTR-N award continues support for statewide or multistate regional networks in IDeA states that have been conducting significant levels of clinical and translational research. The new CTR-D award supports clinical and translational research, workforce development, and infrastructure enhancement at health research organizations with limited clinical and translational research capacity, to help them build a foundation and enable recipients to conduct research on diseases and health challenges faced by the populations they serve.  

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Webinar for NIH MOSAIC Program Applicants


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] from this webinar are now available.

Are you preparing a grant application for the NIH Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) K99/R00 or UE5 programs? If so, please join our webinar to learn more about the programs and application components and to ask questions:

Tuesday, September 12, 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Zoom meeting link
Join by phone
Meeting ID: 160 151 7840
Passcode: 249272

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Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence Phase 3 Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] for this webinar are now available.

We’re pleased to announce that the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 3 notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) (PAR-23-216) has been reissued. The COBRE program supports the establishment and development of innovative biomedical and behavioral research centers at Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible institutions. The goal of this NOFO is to solidify the research base built in Phases 1 and 2 through continued support of research and research infrastructure and to implement strategies to sustain research excellence beyond COBRE funding.

Application due date: September 26, 2023
Earliest start date: July 2024

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Funding Opportunity and Upcoming Webinar: Interactive Digital Media Biomedical Science Resources for Pre-College Students and Teachers


UPDATE: The video for this webinar is now available.

We’re pleased to announce the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for our interactive digital media (IDM) program (PAR-23-213). This NOFO supports eligible small business concerns to develop IDM biomedical science resources for pre-college students and teachers. The products should engage users with interactive learning experiences, thus enhancing interest in learning more about biomedical research and in developing problem-solving skills. The first application receipt date is September 5, 2023.

We strongly encourage all interested in applying to attend our upcoming webinar:

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Webinar for the Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) Program for Early Stage Investigators


UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] for this webinar are now available.

I’m pleased to announce that the Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) notice of funding opportunity for early stage investigators (ESIs) (PAR-23-145) has been reissued. MIRA funding provides support for an area of research in an ESI’s laboratory that falls within the NIGMS mission. The next application due date is October 3, 2023.

We’re hosting a webinar to discuss the key features of the ESI MIRA program and to answer your questions:

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Webinar on the NIGMS Sandbox: A Cloud-Based Learning Platform  

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UPDATE: The video and slides [PDF] for this webinar are now available.

Cloud computing provides access to the exponentially growing volume of biomedical research data, data analytic tools, and data storage capacity. If you’re interested in learning cutting-edge biomedical research methods and/or carrying out your own research on the cloud, we welcome you to an upcoming webinar aimed to help you start or enrich your cloud-computing journey: 

Friday, June 23, 1:30-3:30 p.m. ET
Zoom meeting link

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