Tag: Administrative Supplements

Administrative Supplements for NIGMS Training, Research Education, and Career Development Grants to Develop Curricular, Training, and Evaluation Activities


To continue our efforts to catalyze the modernization of biomedical research training and career development, we invite eligible institutions with NIGMS training (T32, T34), certain research education (R25), or institutional career development (K12) awards to apply for administrative supplements to develop and implement curricular, training, or administrative activities to enhance:

  • Laboratory safety curriculum and a culture of safety in biomedical research training environments (NOT-GM-22-010)
  • Safe and inclusive biomedical research training environments (NOT-GM-22-011)
  • Undergraduate biomedical research training (NOT-GM-22-012) (T34 and R25 undergraduate programs only)
  • Program evaluation capacity (NOT-GM-22-013)
  • Mentoring in the research training environment (NOT-GM-22-014)
  • Wellness and resilience (NOT-GM-22-015)
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NIGMS Administrative Supplements to Support Undergraduate Summer Research


We’re offering another round of administrative supplements to provide summer research experiences for undergraduate students. These supplements are open to all NIGMS-funded investigators with active R01, R35, and R37 awards, including those in their final year of funding. We’ll accept requests under PA-20-272, Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional). The research experiences can be conducted remotely or in person, depending on the institutional policies of each applicant.

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Administrative Supplements for Workforce Development at the Interface of Information Sciences, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and Biomedical Sciences


NIGMS and other institutes and centers across NIH are partnering with the Office of Data Science Strategy to promote the development of a workforce with skills at the interface of information sciences, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), and biomedical sciences. As part of these efforts, we invite eligible institutions with NIGMS training (T32, T34), certain research education (R25), or institutional career development (K12) awards to apply for administrative supplements through NOT-OD-21-079. This funding opportunity supports the development and implementation of curricular or training activities that provide individuals with the skills to make biomedical data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and AI/ML-ready.

Grantees should consider the following before applying:

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Funding Opportunities: Urgent Competitive Revisions to NIGMS IDeA and NARCH Programs to Address SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Hesitancy


We’re pleased to announce the availability of supplements to active INBRE (P20), COBRE (P20, P30), IDeA-CTR (U54), and NARCH (S06) awards to support vaccine hesitancy research relevant to SARS-CoV-2. The supplements are aimed at studying the causes of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine hesitancy in IDeA states and/or American Indian/Alaska Native communities, and at developing innovative evidence-based interventions to enhance vaccine acceptance with the goal of increased vaccine uptake.

Applications are due by April 30, 2021; see NOT-GM-21-021 for additional details.

If you have any questions about this supplement opportunity, please contact me.

Equipment Funding Opportunities for NIGMS Research


NIGMS recognizes the need to provide support to grantees for equipment, particularly to replace essential instrumentation that breaks down, or to expand into rapidly growing research areas. As an example, advances in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) detectors, microscopes, and methods have made acquisition of atomic resolution structural data a reality, and investigators need these to prepare viable specimens and process data in their home labs to successfully utilize cryo-EM data collection resources elsewhere.

We’re pleased to share with you recent funding opportunities for equipment support.

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NIGMS Administrative Supplements to Support Undergraduate Summer Research


We’re offering administrative supplements to provide summer research experiences for undergraduate students. The research experiences can be conducted remotely or in person, depending on the institutional regulations. These supplements are open to all NIGMS-funded investigators with active R01, R35, and R37 awards, including those in their final year of funding. We’ll accept requests under PA-20-272, Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional).

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Administrative Supplements for NIGMS Training, Research Education, and Career Development Grants to Develop Curricular, Training, and Evaluation Activities


To continue our efforts to catalyze the modernization of biomedical research training and career development, we invite eligible institutions with NIGMS training (T32, T34), certain research education (R25), or institutional career development (K12) awards to apply for administrative supplements to develop and implement curricular, training, or administrative activities to:

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Funding Opportunities: Urgent Competitive Revisions to IDeA and NARCH Programs for SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance Studies


UPDATE: The slides [PDF] and video from this webinar are now available.

We’re pleased to announce the availability of supplements to active INBRE (P20), COBRE (P20, P30), IDeA-CTR (U54), and NARCH (S06) awards for sequencing-based surveillance studies of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to track variants circulating in communities the IDeA and NARCH programs serve. The supplements will support SARS-CoV-2 viral genome sequencing and analysis studies. Projects are expected to expand on or collaborate with ongoing SARS-CoV-2 testing studies or programs in order to leverage resources and deliver results quickly to help address the urgent challenge.

Applications are due by March 31, 2021; see NOT-GM-21-031 for additional details.

If you have any questions about this supplement opportunity, please contact me.

NIGMS Diversity Supplements Available to Support Faculty Members


We’re pleased to announce that NIGMS is now accepting diversity supplement applications to support faculty-level investigators developing independent research careers (NOT-GM-21-014). This opportunity is part of our Diversity Supplements Program, which facilitates the recruitment and training of promising scientists from diverse backgrounds (e.g., individuals from groups underrepresented in the biomedical research workforce).

The supplements provide either short- or long-term research support to early career faculty members wishing to participate in ongoing research projects while further developing their research skills and establishing an independent research career.

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