Category: Resources

Major Research Project Grant Types That NIGMS Supports and Where to Apply

This post is part of a series outlining NIGMS research priorities, funding opportunities, and the grant application process. You can read more posts in this series and sign up to receive all future posts delivered straight to your inbox.

The first post in this series introduced our Institute’s research priorities. This post outlines the major types of research project grants that NIGMS supports and where to find notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) to which you can apply.

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A Call for Your Scientific Images and Videos

Laboratory-grown cells. We’re always looking to add stunning images to our gallery, like this one from Tina Weatherby Carvalho, University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Have you seen our image and video gallery? We’d love to feature your work there!

The gallery contains photos, illustrations, and videos that showcase NIGMS-supported science. It’s a place where anyone, including teachers, students, and journalists, can get images that help people understand and appreciate biomedical research. Images in the gallery are freely available for educational, news media, or other noncommercial purposes, as long as the user credits the source (i.e., you/your colleagues and institution).

We regularly feature cool imagery from the gallery on our Biomedical Beat blog and in our social media posts.

If you have interesting or striking images or videos created with NIGMS support that you’d like to share via our image and video gallery, please let us know! We prefer entries without copyright restrictions (i.e., never published or retained under copyright).

Which Grant Is Right for Me?


We’re pleased to announce the launch of the new web resource, Which Research Grant Is Right for Me? This interactive decision tree will be particularly useful for investigators who are new to or less familiar with NIGMS notices of funding opportunities that support research. Through a series of yes/no questions, potential applicants can identify the best potential fit to one or more of the major research project grant types we support, including R35, R16, R15, and R01.

The questions work through the eligibility criteria for the different award types. For example:

Continue reading “Which Grant Is Right for Me?”

How to Determine If NIGMS Might Fund Your Research

This post is the first in a series outlining NIGMS research priorities, funding opportunities, and the grant application process for those not familiar with our Institute and its programs. We encourage you to share this series with others in your network, and to sign up to receive all future Feedback Loop posts delivered straight to your inbox.

We receive many questions from prospective applicants about getting NIGMS funding for their research: How do I know if my research fits within the scientific interests of NIGMS? What grant programs does the Institute offer? What are NIGMS’ research priorities? Whom do I talk to—and when—to learn more?

This post will help to answer those questions. And because it’s the first post in a new series from our staff, think of it as a primer for your initial interactions with us.

Continue reading “How to Determine If NIGMS Might Fund Your Research”

NIGMS Diversity Supplements—Expanded Program Eligibility


We’d like to make you aware that NIGMS is expanding eligibility within the diversity supplement program (PA-23-189) to include applications from principal investigators (PIs) of parent awards from the following programs:

  • Support for Research Excellence (SuRE, R16)
  • Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE Phases 1 and 2, P20)
  • Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Networks for Clinical and Translational Research (IDeA-CTR, U54)
  • IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE, P20)
  • Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH, S06)
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Funding Opportunity: Instrumentation Grant Program for Resource-Limited Institutions (S10)


UPDATE: The webinar video and slides [PDF] are now available along with a program website featuring FAQs.

As part of NIH’s UNITE initiative to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in biomedical research, we’re pleased to announce the release of the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO): Instrumentation Grant Program for Resource-Limited Institutions (RLI-S10) (PAR-23-138). The RLI-S10 program aims to enhance research capacity and educational opportunities at resource-limited institutions by providing funds to purchase modern, scientific instrumentation. Applications may propose purchase of instruments that support basic, translational, clinical, or biomedically related behavioral science. The instruments may be used in formal courses for teaching purposes as well as for research projects.

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Funding Opportunity: Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training


We’re pleased to announce a new notice of special interest (NOSI) (NOT-GM-23-031) associated with PAR-20-296, modules for enhancing biomedical research workforce training (R25). The NOSI requests applications to develop biomedical research training modules on one of the following topics:

  • Wellness and resiliency: effectively providing individuals with the knowledge and skills to enhance their wellness, resiliency, and ultimate success during their research training.
  • Structural racism and discrimination: addressing harassment, intimidation, and other forms of structural racism and discrimination to reduce disparities in recruitment, retention, and success and to promote access, inclusion, equity, and accessibility in the research training environment. Modules should focus on how to create optimized research training environments where all participants feel safe, respected, and supported.
  • Safe research training environments: catalyzing a strong culture of responsibility and obligation to maintain high standards for physical, chemical, and biological safety.
  • Program evaluation capacity: developing evaluation capacity by informing program directors and administrators about effective and practical approaches to evaluate biomedical research training programs at their institutions.

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Webinar on Safe and Inclusive Research Training Environments


We’re pleased to announce the second webinar in our series on issues in biomedical research training, workforce development, and diversity. The series is a combination of lectures, panel discussions, and workshops focused on a variety of important topics for the broader training community, such as program evaluation, mentoring, safe and inclusive research environments, and curricular development.

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Administrative Supplements for NIGMS Training, Research Education, and Career Development Grants to Develop Curricular, Training, and Evaluation Activities


To continue our efforts to modernize biomedical research training and career development, we invite eligible institutions with NIGMS training (T32, T34), certain research education (R25), or institutional career development (K12) awards to apply for administrative supplements to develop and implement curricular, training, or administrative activities to enhance:

  • Laboratory safety curriculum and a culture of safety in biomedical research training environments (NOT-GM-22-010)
  • Safe and inclusive biomedical research training environments (NOT-GM-22-011)
  • Undergraduate biomedical research training (NOT-GM-22-012) (T34 and R25 undergraduate programs only)
  • Program evaluation capacity (NOT-GM-22-013)
  • Mentoring in the research training environment (NOT-GM-22-014)
  • Wellness and resilience (NOT-GM-22-015)
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Grant Writing Webinar Series for Institutions Building Research and Research Training Capacity


Join us for a three-part webinar series designed for faculty and sponsored programs/research development personnel at institutions building research and research training capacity. During the webinars, we’ll share our suggestions for navigating the process of seeking NIH funding. You’ll also learn considerations for determining research idea and grant writing readiness, selecting opportunities to apply for, and effectively writing your grant application and seeking appropriate feedback. 

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